10 university master's degrees in innovation and entrepreneurship
En Santalucía Impulsa potenciamos el talento y el desarrollo universitario a través del programa Santalucía Impulsa Universidades, en el que, en cada edición, seleccionamos una universidad con un programa, grado o máster en emprendimiento e innovación.No obstante, son muchos los centros que se presentan y que revisamos durante el proceso de selección, y ofrecen formaciones realmente interesantes si se tiene en cuenta la situación actual del mercado laboral.Las empresas requieren profesionales cada vez más capacitados, capaces de adaptarse a entornos ágiles y, sobre todo, con la habilidad de alcanzar soluciones innovadoras para los nuevos problemas de los clientes actuales.Como mencionábamos, solo podemos quedarnos con uno, pero hemos querido aprovechar la ocasión para hacer una recopilación de algunos de los mejoresmásteres en innovación y emprendimiento para que, quien esté interesado, pueda elegir la opción que más se ajuste a sus necesidades.
1. Grado LEINN en la Universidad de Mondragon (TeamLabs)
LEINN es un grado universitario oficial e internacional de Liderazgo Emprendedor e Innovación. Está certificado por la Universidad de Mondragón y reconocido por el Ministerio de Educación.Se basa en una metodología nacida hace más de 25 años en Finlandia que consiste en aprender haciendo, en equipo y viajando por elmundo. Esto significa que los alumnos empiezan a crear su propia empresa desde el primer momento, rompiendo así las barreras entre el mundo académico y el mundo laboral real.Durante los 4 años que dura el grado, los alumnos aprenden a desarrollar proyectos reales desde 0, basándose en una idea de negocio innovadora, a gestionar clientes reales y, por supuesto, a facturar dinero real.Actualmente está abierto el proceso de admisión para el curso 2023/2024.
2. Grado en Emprendimiento y Gestión de Empresas en la UCJC
El Grado en Emprendimiento y Gestión de Empresas es un grado oficial de la Universidad Camilo José Cela en modalidad presencial y con una duración de 4 cursos.En este grado lo práctico prevalece sobre lo teórico para fomentar el emprendimiento, la creatividad y el espíritu empresarial. Todo ello de cara a incentivar y acelerar una economía cada vez más innovadora y competitiva.Los estudiantes del Grado en Emprendimiento se emplean en la gestión de un negocioreal, lo que les prepara para las necesidades auténticas del mundo laboral formando parte de un equipo y de una empresa.Las lecciones se convierten en aprendizaje y desarrollo de habilidades y competencias, y los profesores en mentores. Y, en lugar de prácticas, el alumno trabaja con negocios y clientes reales en espacios de innovación.A lo largo de los 4 años, el grado ayuda a gestionar una startup desde su fase inicial, desarrollándola, incubándola y acelerándola. Finalmente, se presenta el proyecto, tal y como un Trabajo de Fin de Grado, defendiéndolo ante un tribunal compuesto por docentes, inversores y emprendedores de éxito.
3. Loyola Initiatives en la Universidad Loyola
Loyola Initiatives, el servicio de emprendimiento dentro de la Universidad Loyola, busca fomentar el espíritu emprendedor de la comunidad universitaria a través de sus actividades, programas y eventos.El objetivo de estas actividades es que los alumnos puedan desarrollar su creatividad y su talento como emprendedores mediante soluciones innovadoras. Además, no solo les forman, sino que también acompañan en su camino hacia el éxito a aquellos que ya han tomado la decisión de emprender.
Programas de Loyola Initiatives para experimentar
Loyola Initiatives propone actividades donde los alumnos puedan experimentar, probar cosas nuevas, ser creativos y proponer soluciones innovadoras a los problemas de hoy y mañana.
- Programa Akademia: programa de innovación basado en uno de los mejores think tanks de innovación en España, la Fundación de Innovación Bankinter.
- Santander Explorer: programa para desarrollar una idea y conseguir un producto mínimo viable que testear en el mercado. Durante 12 semanas de itinerario formativo, actividades y mentorizaciones, Explorer ayuda a validar una idea y a convertirla en un negocio sostenible.
- Ideas Loyola: concurso de emprendimiento que permite a los estudiantes participar, acceder a mentores y talleres y ganar premios.
- Semana del emprendimiento: una semana llena de actividades formativas e inspiracionales diferentes para cultivar el espíritu emprendedor entre los estudiantes.
- Otros programas y actividades para fomentar el espíritu emprendedor: NoCode, Startup Programme, Sputnik, Vodafone Campus Lab, Hotusa Talent Match…
- Eventos que inspiran: encuentros con emprendedores, masterclass y talleres para que los alumnos puedan relacionarse con emprendedores y aprender de sus éxitos y fracasos.
Programas de Loyola Initiatives para crear y desarrollar
Además de apoyar a los alumnos a que desarrollen su espíritu emprendedor, Loyola Initiatives también apoya a aquellos que ya están emprendiendo. Ofrece varios programas y un itinerario para acompañar al alumno en el proceso de creación y desarrollo de su empresa.
- Itinerario personalizado: el equipo de Loyola Initiatives ayuda a los alumnos a estructurar su proyecto con un itinerario personalizado según sus necesidades.
- Eventos de networking: eventos mensuales de networking para emprendedores.
4. Titulo superior en Emprendimiento e Innovación en Esic University
El perfil emprendedor está demandado por las empresas por su transversalidad y porque les permite investigar en nuevas líneas de negocio e innovación empresarial, por eso Esic University ofrece el Título Superior en Emprendimiento e Innovación.Los alumnos pueden combinar el título con cualquiera de los grados oficiales de la universidad (Marketing, Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, Digital Business, International Business o Data Science) para poner en marcha una idea real de negocio:
- Evaluación de proyectos: analizar la viabilidad de negocios viables en el mercado colaborando con cliente reales.
- Apoyo a la actitud emprendedora: el programa tiene una alta vocación y prepara al alumno de forma real para la creación y desarrollo de startups.
- Great employment opportunities: Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Entrepreneur, Innovation Manager (Open Innovation), Coach of entrepreneurial teams, Promoter of new lines of business.
- Learning by doing methodology: put into practice the knowledge acquired in the university area through Team Learning, Leadership, Company Learning and Individual Learning.
5. UPM acts at the Polytechnic University of Madrid
UPM acts It's the Entrepreneurship Program at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Its main objective is the generation of innovative companies with high growth potential and support for entrepreneurship.To this end, it develops all its work around four fundamental pillars: the business idea, the team, the resources who support the project and the business model to which the three previous concepts give rise. This involves a series of actions:
- Monitoring from the initial phase to the incorporation of the company.
- Analysis of the viability of the project.
- Ongoing counseling.
- Guidance in drafting the Business Plan.
- Training actions aimed at the needs of the team.
- Visibility for investors and support in the search for funding.
- La Competition acts on a pm, one of its main activities to detect innovative business ideas and form entrepreneurial teams.
6. Entrepreneurship Center at UFV
El Entrepreneurship Center Of the Francisco de Vitoria University accompanies its students in innovative projects through Specialized Training Programs and a Guidance Office so that they are able to create their own company. If they are already involved in a work team or organization, they accompany them from an innovative value proposition to its launch and start-up.
- Training programs specialized and adapted to all phases of entrepreneurship.
- Accompaniment: orientation and mentoring of entrepreneurial projects.
- Competitions and Prizes internal and external to the UFV.
- Events & networking to make valuable contacts
- Incubation and acceleration for the student's project to take off and scale to the real world.
- Collaborations and other R&D ecosystems for students to access other knowledge and relationships.
7. Dual Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship in Action at the University of Deusto
El Dual Master in Entrepreneurship in Action It is a program to train a entrepreneurial and innovative people, agile in complex environments and capable of designing new sustainable business development strategies in the new era of digital transformation.The most innovative aspect of this master's degree is that it is a dual training model, where companies take an active and leading role throughout the learning process. This is how students acquire the necessary competencies by developing practical experiences in these organizations. During the master's degree, students work in multidisciplinary teams, with an experiential training model (learning by doing) and through methodologies such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup and User Experience. In this way, it seeks the development of innovative projects, either in its own ventures or in intra-entrepreneurship within an organization, with new strategic solutions that respond to real challenges. This is a 100% practical experience with real challenges from leading organizations in the field of innovation. So much so that 84% of students have completed the master's degree with employment in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.
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Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program at the University of Deusto
In addition to the dual Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship in Action, the University of Deusto allows you to combine your degrees with the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program (INNOVANDIS). It is offered simultaneously as the perfect complement for learning entrepreneurial and innovative behaviors that allow us to address the changes and challenges facing the world. The program teaches students to identify and create new opportunities, and to deftly use tools for design and launch of new projects. In addition, with this training, they will be part of a network of people with different qualifications, but with common interests:
- Competencies and attitudes: initiative, creativity, leadership, proactivity... Develop and work on the skills and attitudes necessary to face and undertake new projects.
- Institutional support: Since its inception in 2005, the program has had the business and institutional collaboration of several entities for the design and construction of the degree, as well as for the development of innovative practices for students.
- Real challenges to solve: the program has professionals from various companies and entrepreneurial profiles who will pose real challenges to students that they must face in order to find a solution. The practical approach to the subjects will help them get out of their comfort zone.
8. University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurial Initiative and Business Creation at UC3M
El Master in Entrepreneurial Initiative and Business Creation Of the Carlos III University of Madrid It is one of the best specialized and advanced training courses aimed at graduates of any training for promote entrepreneurship in an international environment.Students who study it are trained to identify business opportunities and develop and implement business projects of success. In fact, students perform internships in startups during the academic year and they develop their own business idea in the final project. This multidisciplinary and applied training is aimed at all those graduates who want to be entrepreneurs who wish to develop business initiatives and business ideas on their own account, Intrapreneurs that they develop any entrepreneurial initiative in other companies, social entrepreneurs interested in launching business projects that serve social purposes or consultants or advisors of entrepreneurs and startups.
9. University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurs at URJC
El University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurs Of the Rey Juan Carlos University is recommended for students who have a official university degree or other degree issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area. The objective of the program is to promote student scientific research in the problems associated with the entrepreneurial drive and the exhaustive analysis of the critical factors of success and failure that come from entrepreneurial experiences.An in-depth analysis is carried out of the The role of institutions in promoting business creation and the search for and proposal of policies that allow improve the conditions for the creation and maintenance of companies.
10. Online Master in Entrepreneurship at Spain Business School
Do you have an idea and want to implement it but you lack knowledge, someone to guide you and practical experience? Spain Business School makes available to students the Digital Master in Entrepreneurship.This is a online training, which means that the student can go at their own pace, but always accompanied by the teachers. The master's degree has a totally practical approach and offers employment opportunities. The objectives achieved by students who enroll are:
- Understand the process of creating a new company.
- Acquire an overview for your project.
- Know and understand the key factors of success.
- Train yourself in the use of complete tools.
- Be able to prepare a complete business plan, taking into account the legal environment and the strategies and operations of digital projects.
- Develop the skills and competencies required for the business challenge.
The school offers a recognition with a double degree, professional since the international recognition of the business school and academic from relevant universities. In addition, of the more than 1000 new students who enroll every year, 98% successfully pass the master's degree.
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