10 Movies You Must See This Summer If You're an Entrepreneur

We are in the middle of the summer vacation season and there are many things we can take advantage of to do. If you're a fan of traveling, you're probably dedicating your free time to seeing the world, and if you're hooked on a series, you're probably watching episodes non-stop. Another option is to watch those movies that you've been told so much about but that you never have time for. Below, we suggest a few Movies you should see this summer if you are an entrepreneur, which will help you in your daily life when you return to your routine.
1. The Silicon Valley Pirates
This film transports us to the Cradle of entrepreneurship in the United States, and offers an interesting perspective on Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. If you are an entrepreneur or are considering entrepreneurship, you cannot miss the story of the founders of Microsoft and Apple.

2. In Search of Happiness
It's hard for us to believe that you haven't yet seen Will Smith's great performance in his fight against adversity to improve his son's quality of life. This film is a reference for entrepreneurs because it reflects how they have felt throughout their professional careers, while motivating them, because its message tells us that if we work hard we will succeed.
3. The Social Network
It was a huge success at the box office, so you've probably already crossed it off your list of pending movies, but if you saw it before starting out, you'll probably now look at it with different eyes Mark Zuckerberg Story. Don't be left with the superficial message, if you look closely at the film tells the story of How to make a startup successful. Take note!

4. The Godfather
This movie classic deals with a very important aspect in the business world: Negotiation. Corleone will give you a different point of view on the art of negotiation and the interpretation of each situation.

5. The Wolf of Wall Street
Who hasn't identified with Leonardo DiCaprio during his entrepreneurial adventure? If you started to start a business from the bottom, you probably know what the protagonist of this film had to go through, because try Classic Problems That Every Entrepreneur Encounters, but above all it will teach you to choose well the people you surround yourself with.

6. Rocky
Whether you are an entrepreneur or not, this great Stallone film must be seen at least once in your life. If you have decided to start a business, it will help you to understand that always You must keep “fighting”, even if everything is against you and the chances of success are zero, you can go a long way.

7. The Corporation
This is not a film as such but rather a documentary that analyzes Modern Companies as a psychiatrist would. Among other things, it is essential for entrepreneurs because it shows Real Cases.

8. Moneyball: The Game of Fortune
Every entrepreneur needs Motivation and Innovation to achieve their goals, and this story about the manager of a baseball team provides both. We can summarize the great lesson of the film in one of the phrases of its protagonist (Brad Pitt), “adapt or die”.

9. Startup.com
Do you want to see a real case of entrepreneurs like you? Here you have it. This is a documentary that narrates the The disproportionate growth and fall of the promising startup GoveWorks. From this film, you'll get endless advice on what you should and shouldn't do as an entrepreneur.

10. October Sky
Do you think your goal is too ambitious? The protagonists of this film want to build their own rocket, but without any support. With this film you will discover the The importance of having a mentor, and it will encourage you to pursue your goals, in spite of everything.

Do you have the popcorn ready yet? Lights, cameras and action! Let the summer film session begin.