10 Tips for Preparing Successful Presentations

If you are an entrepreneur, you have found yourself on more than one occasion in the situation of having to sell your idea to an audience that sometimes doesn't show much interest. That's why having quality visual support becomes essential. Therefore, making a presentation that seduces your audience is a must in this world, and that is why we give you several tips for making presentations capable of conquering Steve Jobs himself:
Structure is one of the fundamental pillars for achieving a professional presentation. Differentiating by sections and following a structured order will give your audience the feeling that you have your project under control. One trick is to structure it in 3 large blocks.
Visual support
Speaking for several minutes without any visual support can be tiring for your audience, the best thing is to organize your presentation in several slides that don't contain too much text, and are as graphic as possible to keep your audience attentive and connected. But keep in mind that they are support material, and they should not capture all the attention and relegate us to the background.
Not all audiences are the same, so it always helps to capture their attention that your presentation is personalized to them. Whenever you can, research them and adapt your talk so that they feel identified and are of their full interest.
Capture their attention
A tactic often used in many talks is to have a somewhat unusual beginning, such as telling a story, in which many people are identified, that ends in the creation of the product or service that we want to present. You can use humor to get your audience's attention, but be careful about being smart.
Research on the topic of presentation
Get ready. On many occasions we make presentations on topics that we don't hold secrets from, but if you have to speak about a topic that you are not up to date on, do a thorough research about it, you will avoid being caught in a resignation when the time comes for the round of questions.
Involve the public
If we are constantly talking, the audience will get bored and end up not paying attention, one way to solve this is to get them involved, either through a small activity or simple questions about the topic.
Use data
It is essential to use all possible data, whether it's sales, downloads, visits, etc. We can also compare ourselves with our competitors, using graphics to make everything better visible. This awakens public interest in our presentation. This provides a fundamental value for our presentation, since anything we count will lose credibility if we are unable to support it numerically.
Be different
Often our audience will be used to attending multiple presentations, all of which are likely to be very similar. Therefore, if we want to capture their attention, we will need to offer them a differential value. It's the best way for them not to lose interest.
Small messages
There's probably a lot you have to communicate, but we shouldn't be tempted to make a lengthy speech. It's best to communicate the information in small quantities, as if they were tweets.
Repeat the central message
Even if there is a lot we have to say, our audience will not be able to memorize all the information, for which we can use a very simple trick: repeat the main message. This way our audience will remember exactly what really interests us. We hope that these tips will be useful to you when making your presentations. Do you use any more to deceive your audience?