
5 essential books for entrepreneurs


Entrepreneurship requires, among other things, initiative, knowledge and motivation. For this reason, and with the aim of helping entrepreneurs who decide to embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship, we have selected five books that will undoubtedly be very useful throughout the process.

This selection of Books for entrepreneurs They will motivate you or provide you with knowledge for the business world. There are countless works on these subjects but, even if there are many more, we consider these to be essential, although it will always depend on the abilities, competencies and goals of each one.

5 books for entrepreneurs

1. Do you have a startup? All the keys to getting funding (Luis Martin Cabiedes)

In this book, Luis Martín Cabiedes, founder of Cabiedes & Partners, a company specialized in investing in early-stage technological startups, provides a review of all the key aspects for success in an internet business sector and for obtaining funding.

If you are one of those who have ever asked yourself questions such as: “Where and how do you find an investor?” , “Is it necessary to make a business plan?” , “How does a venture capital fund work?” ... this is your book!

2. The entrepreneur's black book: Don't say you were never warned (Fernando Trias)

90% of initiatives fail within four years and only 3% of business manuals are dedicated to explaining why. That's why we recommend this book by Fernando Trías: it teaches what not to do, analyzes the key factors of failure and defines the traits that a true entrepreneur must possess: motivation, talent and fighting spirit. Ideas don't fail, but rather the lack of capacity to face unforeseen events.

Uncertainty and insecurity are an inevitable condition that every entrepreneur must assume when deciding to undertake, since it is the market that has the last word.

3. The Lean Startup Method (Eric Ries)

The Lean Startup method represents a new approach that is being adopted around the world to change the way companies create and launch their products. Eric Ries defines a startup as an organization dedicated to creating something under conditions of extreme uncertainty.

It seeks to eliminate what it considers to be inefficient practices, such as spending too much time developing a business plan, and focuses on producing something that pleases the market. It offers an approach to making companies more efficient and to continuously test the vision of entrepreneurs, and adjust it as necessary.

4. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)

Habits are of great importance in our lives, whether consciously or unconsciously, and these directly affect us on factors such as productivity and efficiency. This book shows different habits to be more effective in our daily lives and at work, and will help those who intend to do so to become a better leader and carry out good management. The reader will assimilate each of the seven habits to implement them in their own way, depending on their way of being.

5. The entrepreneur's handbook (Steve Blank and Bob Dorf)

This book is a manual to guide entrepreneurs, step by step, in the process of creating and promoting a company and doing so successfully. Steve Blank, one of the authors, is an entrepreneur and academic in Silicon Valley, internationally recognized for the development of customer development methodology. This is a forerunner methodology of Lean Startup, since it focuses all efforts on customers.

Experts classify the book as a reference manual for entrepreneurs around the world, as a support to turn to at any time during the entire process of development, consolidation and expansion of a company.