5 technologies that every entrepreneur should know

We live in an era marked by digital transformation, and organizations are in the process of scanning. Technology is revolutionizing all sectors and the innovation And the Disruption is what marks the agenda of many companies today. What are the main technologies that could be useful for entrepreneurs? We leave you a list with Five technologies that every entrepreneur should know:
1. Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that refers to the interconnection of everyday objects through the use of integrated sensors to collect and exchange data over the internet. These objects can be industrial machines, vehicles, appliances... Most companies are considering or have already considered how they can integrate the Internet of Things into their processes. The use of technological tools is indispensable for the digital transformation of companies, and IoT stands out as the tendency to prioritize when seeking competitive advantages.

2. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a set of advanced technologies that allow machines to feel, understand, act and learn, or, in other words, the combination of algorithms designed with the purpose of creating machines that have the same capabilities as human beings. The processes that simulate these machines or computer systems include the learning experience, reasoning, and self-correction.Artificial intelligence can help speed up human work. Nowadays it already allows us, for example, to program bots and dedicate them to customer service, a method that more and more companies use to act as a filter with the information provided by the user and thus be able to help them more quickly and accurately. In December 2018, the European Commission issued a statement on artificial intelligence, and one of its mandates to member states is to have a national strategy in this area by the middle of this year.
3. Blockchain
Blockchain, according to Marc Andreessen, creator of Netscape and partner of one of the most important venture capital funds in Silicon Valley, is essentially just a record, a ledger of digital events that is distributed or shared among many different parties. It can only be updated based on the consensus of the majority of participants in the system and, once entered, the information can never be erased. Blockchain is no longer exclusively associated with the world of cryptocurrencies and its application in other areas has been confirmed. During this year we will see the beginning of many blockchain-based projects that will try to solve the challenges that technology still faces in various fields, such as insurance or banking.

4. Augmented analytics
Business consultancy Gartner defines augmented analytics as a paradigm that includes natural language and narrative queries, augmented data preparation, automated advanced analysis, and visual data discovery capabilities. It is therefore the combination of Big Data And Artificial Intelligence. Through machine learning techniques and natural language processing, The way in which data analysis is developed, shared and consumed will be transformed. In this way, the speed of analytical processes is greatly increased and allows the processing of large amounts of data.
5. Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) -based technologies allow apply some aspects and facilities of the digital world to the physical world. This offers the possibility of offering a new user experience to customers. In addition, the combination of this technology together with Virtual Reality (VR) will lead to a profound change in the perception of everything that surrounds us through the creation of intelligent spaces where we can live more immersive, interactive and automated experiences. Augmented reality can greatly benefit companies that offer physical objects that can be represented through augmented reality in a digitized form.