Mentoring sessions begin with entrepreneurs from SantaLucíImpulsa

The day has come, today the SantaLucíImpulsa mentoring days have started. Entrepreneurs were eager to start learning from their assigned mentors, and they've finally been able to do so. Nerves were on edge from early in the morning. Miguel Ruiz, from Cink Emprender, explained what his next few months will be like working hand in hand with his mentors. They have a lot of work ahead of them but they have all the desire and enthusiasm necessary to overcome it successfully. In addition, they have a great incentive: the prizes they are aspiring to, which SantaLucíImpulsa will award at the end of the program. Once the work program for the coming months has been explained, the 10 companies participating in the program: Sense Water Foil, Bunkerweb, Wibber, Wake App Health, Xenopat, Livetonic, Beprevent, Willowi, Sentimer Technologies and Cerqana; they had the opportunity to talk about their projects to the rest of the attendees. Today we have not only seen entrepreneurs defending their projects, but teams willing to achieve all their objectives, no matter how hard they have to work to achieve it. At the end of the project presentations, all the teams of entrepreneurs and mentors have been able to enjoy a networking session, including breakfast, in which they have been able to establish closer relationships, and get to know better those with whom they are going to work for the next 4 months. Our entrepreneurs were so excited to get started that they couldn't wait for their first networking day to start discussing their project with mentors. Clearly everyone is eager to learn and for these mentoring days to help them grow and achieve their goals. Once the networking is over, the first mentoring sessions have begun. Willowi and Cerqana were the first to meet with their mentors, explain their projects, highlight their strengths, discuss what they have been doing to date and evaluate their weaknesses. With all the cards on the table, the mentors have been able to begin to guide them and help them to improve with their projects. Between today and tomorrow, all entrepreneurs will have had their first mentoring session, and it will not be the only one, because over the next few months of work they will work hand in hand with their mentors, who will help them on their paths as entrepreneurs. From SantaLucíImpulsa we want to thank both entrepreneurs and mentors for the desire and enthusiasm they are showing in this acceleration program.