How to overcome post-vacation depression?

Yes friends, once again the holidays are coming to an end, and although I'm sure you've saved a few days to enjoy later, the return to work is always uphill. But we don't want you to get demotivated and that's why we bring you some tips so that you don't have a Monday face this month of September. Say goodbye to post-vacation syndrome!
Forecasting and organization
It is not advisable to return from the beach the day before to join the office, it is advisable to return a couple of days in advance, so that we have time to recover our daily schedules and get organized so that the return to our tasks is not so abrupt for our body. The main habit we must recover is that of sleep, trying to sleep 8 hours every night.
Recovering hobbies that you haven't dedicated time to this vacation or exercising is a way to distract our minds from work so that reintegration is not too noticeable. Getting back to the habit of going to the gym is an excellent way because, in addition, exercise will help us to feel better about ourselves and will change our attitude to face everyday life.
Meditation is a great way to relax and worry less about how we feel. In addition, it will help us to face our work tasks patiently, while at the same time preventing work stress.
Don't focus on the bad
Yes, the holidays are over, but have you thought about all the good that lies ahead of you? Focus on that: the reunion with your colleagues, the goals you are going to achieve this year... There is always something good. Be positive!
Go little by little
Don't pretend to have everything under control as soon as you arrive at the office, take the time to review your emails, make to-do lists, hold small status meetings with your colleagues, talk to your clients... In short, take time to get up to date before starting to tackle everything.
Take advantage of it to improve
You've probably thought about aspects of your work during your vacation that you can improve, but if you haven't, you're still on time. Spend the first few days thinking about how you can improve this year and set yourself goals, in this way you will increase your motivation to face the return to routine.
Don't get overwhelmed!
It's normal that when you return from vacation you're not at your best, but the good news is that this discomfort only lasts a few days and once they pass you'll be back at full capacity.
Tu Mismo
Look for what makes you feel good and try to dedicate time to it every day, think about what always makes you feel better and put it into practice. Hint: chocolate is a great ally. Are you ready to get back to the routine? Do you follow any other tips to make it more bearable? Tell us about it!