Last Wednesday the 15th Santalucía insurance, leading insurance company in family protection, invited entrepreneurs and companies to participate in “CORPORATION + STARTUP: A WINNING FORMULA”, an event about innovation and entrepreneurship in which the integration of startups into the open innovation processes of corporations was discussed. At 6:45 p.m. Madrid International Lab was filled with entrepreneurs and companies eager to learn about the experience of innovation directors of large companies, startups, and experts in entrepreneurship in the open innovation ecosystem, as well as their expectations for the future.Ángel Uzquiza, Director of Innovation at Santalucía insurance and Director of the Acceleration Program of Santalucía IMPULSA, was in charge of the opening of the event, which began with the presentation of the second edition of the Santalucía IMPULSA Acceleration Program. In addition to explaining the basic questions about the program: participation requirements, development, advantages of participating... Attendees were able to learn first-hand about the success of the previous edition, after which we are sure they will be eager to participate in this second edition, for which they can register until December 17. It should be noted that this year there is a possibility of investment on the part of Grupo Santalucía at the end of the program, which makes it even more irresistible.In the words of his own Ángel Uzquiza: “We are interested in insurtech, but also in any other type of startup. Grupo Santalucía it is much more than the insurance company. There is an additional conglomerate of companies (Ballesol, Accept, International Sos, Temtempo, etc.) that may be able to fit innovative solutions”., Raúl del Pozo, CEO of Cink Emprender, moderated the round table on collaboration opportunities and success stories between corporate accelerators and startups. In addition to Ángel Uzquiza, at the round table we had the pleasure of having: - Joaquín Larrosa, Director of Public Administration Lighting for Spain and Portugal at Philips Iberica. Who told how they opened up a great opportunity in the market and said: “There may be some discovery, whether through a company or through an entrepreneurial path, that changes your sector, and you have to be prepared to be able to detect these opportunities.”- Emilio Martínez, Coordinator of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation at Enagas, who provided his vision from the professional consumer sector and spoke of his experience in innovation. - Antonio Casal, Co-founder of Livetopic, an online financial simulation startup, winner of the 2016 edition of Santalucía IMPULSA, who provided his experience of going through the Acceleration Program Santalucía IMPULSA and what they got: “What we have tried is to turn the table around and start from the customer's needs”, said Antonio. - José Torrego, Director of The Referent, who for his part recounted the work they do to help companies and startups: “What we are trying to do is to identify all those consulting initiatives, agencies, firms, startups... in the ecosystem that are being born and growing and to make people aware of them so that synergies can be generated.”During the session, the discussion was held on advantages for startups of participating in an Acceleration Program, it was explained why this year, Santalucía IMPULSA Look for projects with a Minimum Viable Product, and there was talk of How to promote innovation in companies.At the end of the debate, the attendees were able to ask all their questions to the speakers, and then enjoy a productive session of networking with cocktail.Without a doubt, it was a day dedicated to innovation Of which so much entrepreneurs how companies were able to learn great lessons, very useful for their future. For Santa Lucía The relationship with startups, since they provide agility in the design of new products and services, as well as new methodologies and different approaches. Their business perspective is very differential and enriching, and they approach Digital Transformation in a very disruptive and cutting-edge way. They are the startups What marks the pace of transformation and the alliance with them is to position itself strategically alongside digitalization and innovation”. “On the other hand, for startups be close to companies like Santalucía, helps their growth in future clients and in new projects. They get real metrics and pilots where they experience and evolve their business models. This is essential in their early stages, as they receive market feedback that they could not receive by going alone. In the Program Santalucía IMPULSA, receive personalized mentoring, feedback from expert professionals from Santa Lucía they benefit from the insurance company's network of alliances, receive greater visibility and opt for a possible investment that will help them to evolve much faster and more cost-effectively