Free courses for entrepreneurs that you can't miss

When you are entrepreneur you must know everything: business, finance, marketing... the list is endless. Even if you are not an expert in each subject, if you are an entrepreneur, you will know the importance of having basic knowledge of each area. But you should also keep an eye on money very closely. That is why today we are compiling a series of free courses for entrepreneurs that you can't miss. Are you ready to train in different areas and master the aspects that affect your business? Take note!
Legislation for entrepreneurs
Don't let them scam you! The first of our free courses for entrepreneurs of our list could not be dedicated to any other area than the legal one. When you're moving through mysterious tides, it's easy to find someone who doesn't have good intentions regarding your business, so it's important that you have some basic legislative knowledge to help you with legal aspects related to your company.
Building companies like in Silicon Valley
This is an ideal course if you need Immediacy to develop your idea, well, it will teach you to launch a product to the market in just one month. How? Learning to create fast and realistic prototypes, to create a winning business plan, to set up online advertising campaigns, and to prepare effective presentations for investors, among other things.
Building Relationships in Business
This is an online course that will help you understand how you should manage your contacts and establish fruitful relationships for your company. It is taught by the University of Southampton in English and lasts 3 weeks, during which you will obtain the necessary knowledge to improve your business relationships. Without a doubt, a course that could not be missing from the list of free courses for entrepreneurs.
Resources and tools for entrepreneurship
If you want Start up your own business you should know how to use some tools that will be very useful to you, such as Google Adwords, or how to make money with Google Adsense if you have decided to start an online business. In this course, you will also learn how to improve the user experience and increase traffic to your website.

How to become a great brand?
Even if you started your entrepreneurial journey from the ground up, you probably have ambitions to become a big brand, for that you need this course. In it, you will obtain the necessary knowledge so that your branding strategy goes beyond the visual, and you will learn to develop brand positioning strategies. One of its advantages is that you can take the course at your own pace.
Minimaster in Business Management
If you are going to enter the business world, it is important to know the experiences of those who have already been through the same thing, and tips or advice they can offer you. That is the objective of this course, taught by Javier Santos, CEO and founder of Info, which offers 17 management keys.
Entrepreneurship in the field of mobile applications
More and more are being born startups and companies in the mobile sector. If you have decided to jump on this business bandwagon in new technologies, you will need guidance from other entrepreneurs. This is precisely what this course at the University of Murcia offers you, in which you will learn about reflections, approaches and experiences of other entrepreneurs.
The three-brain principle for innovation
The last of the free courses for entrepreneurs From our list it is about innovation. Whether large or small, every company has the need to innovate. To help you encourageInnovation in your business This course, taught in several classes, online and free of charge, will come in handy. Now that you know some courses that you can take for free, don't think about it, sign up and continue to advance in your business journey.