Income Tax Return: answer questions and simplify the procedure

The 2020 income campaign began on April 7, 2021 and will end on June 30, 2021, the deadline for submitting the Income statement, which is the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) contribution.
Obligation to file an income tax return
The income tax return is a mandatory procedure for all taxpayers with regular residence in Spain that meet certain characteristics in terms of income. Therefore, not everyone is obligated When filing an income tax return, there are exceptions, such as those who have an income that does not exceed 22,000 euros per year, provided that they come from a single payer. For more information on the obligation to file an income tax return, you can consult the help manual of the Tax Agency. In it there is a section that explains the taxpayers who are not required to declare.
ERTE and Minimum Living Income in 2021
This year, with the COVID-19 crisis, millions of people have been affected by a Temporary Employment Regulation File (ERTE) and thousands have received the Minimum Living Income (IMV) benefit. Both the ERTE and the IMV affect the income tax return, so it's important to take this into account when doing it. In the Post by Santalucía Institute About 2021 income all the information necessary to clarify doubts about the declaration is shown if you are in any of these cases.
Simplify the income tax return
For many people, filing an income tax return is a headache, they are not aware of the deductions that can be applied, etc. For this reason, with the objective of simplifying the income tax return as much as possible, the Startup TaxDown, approved as a Social Collaborator of the Tax Agency. The platform connects to the Treasury to review the taxpayer's draft, making the process safe and reliable, and simplifies the revision of the draft. Just by answering Between 6 and 15 questions simple about the tax situation to be able to apply all the possible deductions that apply, it provides the result of the calculation with what we must pay or receive in income. It also allows those who have already filed their return to review it again and rectify it if they discover significant savings in their draft. The app is available on Android and iOS. If you decide to proceed with the platform, TaxDown charges a flat fee of 35€ that includes all associated services (filing the return, assistance during the process, review after filing if necessary, etc.).