Design Thinking: a work methodology focused on effectiveness

If the week before we told you about a useful methodology for entrepreneurship such as Lean Startup, in this post we tell you about one that is no less transcendent and emerging. A new concept on which many entrepreneurs today base their most innovative projects. We are talking about Design Thinking, a work methodology focused on effectiveness whose strategy focuses on understanding the user well and thus providing a solution. This way of working is inherited from designers, who, starting from an emotional and environmental situation, solve customer problems technologically, whenever feasible and feasible from a technological and economic point of view. You can see it in a Infographic.What can attract the most attention about this form of work is that it does not follow a linear process, but rather allows for temporary jumps in the development of the project. Design Thinking is based on 5 fundamental stages:
- Empathize. Understanding the needs of users and putting themselves in their shoes is essential to understand the reality we are facing with our project.
- Define What is really valuable about the previous process? We need to sift through what is really important in ideas and concepts, eliminating what doesn't add value in order to achieve more defined, more useful ideas.
- Idea. The most creative phase of Design Thinking, in which “anything goes” in the first place. As long as we focus in an objective way on solving the main problem or need.
- Prototype. We make these ideas a reality and bring them to a model or prototype that incorporates the user interface, extracting concepts and thus converting them into solutions.
- Testa. Last and definitive phase of this methodology, where we test the efficiency and failures of our prototypes, solving any deficiencies that our idea may have thanks to users who test the product.
Today it is large companies that use this development model, such as Zara, Google or Apple, who are not afraid to test their products until they define the ideal product, the one that works with their target audience, meeting different needs of the current market. And you, can you tell us something more about Design Thinking?