Demo Day is here!

The end of the Santalucía IMPULSA acceleration program is coming and our entrepreneurs must work harder than ever to be one of the 3 winners of the Impulsa podium. After several months of work, the time has come to do our best in the final presentation. To make everything go smoothly, a workshop was held in Santa Lucía, taught by Carlos Cendra. Carlos is a Consultant — Trainer specialized in Marketing and Economic Management of startups in Cink Emprender, so there was no one better to help our entrepreneurs prepare their final pitch. It will be next Thursday, June 22, when our 10 finalist entrepreneurs will have to defend their projects in front of the members of the jury. Why are they competing? No less than 3 financial prizes, of different value. The third winner will receive a prize of €10,000, the second place winner will receive €15,000 and the startup that achieves first place will win no less than €25,000. This is why our finalist entrepreneurs: Sense Water Foil, WBunker, Wibber, Wake App Health, Xenopat, Livetonic, Beprevent, Willowi, Sentimer Technologies and Cerqana, they will have to give everything and manage to convince the jury that they deserve to be winners. It has been 4 months of hard work, specialized training specific to the state and time of the projects, and mentoring sessions with mentors specialized in the launch of new projects, such as Fernando Caravaca, Cristian Alonso and Carolina Castro.And now is the time for all that effort and dedication that our entrepreneurs and mentors have invested in projects to bear fruit. When we started this acceleration program, we were looking for initiatives, products and services that would provide new approaches, new business models and a differentiating value in the market, and regardless of what happens next Thursday, it is clear that we have achieved it. There were more than 1,000 entrepreneurs with 458 projects who submitted to the Santalucía IMPULSA acceleration program, and only 10 of those projects have had the opportunity to be accelerated, but without a doubt, they have seized the opportunity. Now, there will only be 3 who will get a place in the PodiumImpulsa, but for us they are all winners. Best of luck to everyone! We couldn't be prouder of you.