The innovate IMPULSA Event was a success.

On Tuesday, November 22, we presented the Santalucía IMPULSA program for entrepreneurs. The innova IMPULSA event was held at the Goya Theater, where capacity was full. The assistance was distributed among entrepreneurs, investors and the media. The presentation came from the hand of Ángel Uzquiza, Director of Innovation at Santalucía insurance, and of Mar Saavedra, of Cink Emprender.
At this event, entrepreneurs were encouraged to submit their projects to the Santalucía IMPULSA program and to take advantage of all the resources offered by this accelerator.
Ángel Uzquiza, pointed out that: “To support adaptation to a changing, digital and constantly changing market, we have launched the Santalucía IMPULSA startup accelerator, a program aimed at exchanging knowledge with entrepreneurs or sharing knowledge with the entrepreneurial ecosystem”
He then took the floor Lluc Martí, CEO and founder of Exploded View. He told us about his experience as an entrepreneur with a very inspiring talk. According to Lluc, “You can train elite entrepreneurs just as you create elite athletes. The most important thing to undertake is to say NO to fear...”
The highlight was formed by three well-known entrepreneurs: Marta Esteve, Izanami Mártinez and Ricardo Lop Molinier.
They formed a round table with Angel Uzquiza as moderator of the talk, and they discussed the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Spain, specifically about disruptive businesses in traditional sectors.
Ricardo Lop spoke to us about his entrepreneurial vision: “The market starts from the door of your business to the outside. Our differential value at Aceros de Hispania is not to make it cheaper, but to reach more places”
Marta Esteve, founder and CEO of; online supermarket comparator and founder of and Co-Founder of, both vacation comparators, spoke about the key to success: “For a large company to be disruptive, you have to embrace error and design products that solve real problems”.
Izanami Martínez, CEO of Doctor24, a telemedicine service that connects doctors and patients in a matter of minutes, considers it crucial for the approach of large companies to the entrepreneurial ecosystem, “let the chaotic spirit of entrepreneurs maintain when it comes to helping them. The best way to experience entrepreneurship is to live it.”
The event was a success, and it could be noticed since it was Trending Topic on Twitter, reaching more than 7 million views.
Finally, attendees had the opportunity to attend networking in the room, where everyone could exchange opinions and experiences over a cocktail party.
Santalucia Seguros has demonstrated its firm commitment to the development of new businesses, helping young entrepreneurs to achieve success.
We thank all the attendees for their participation in the event. We hope that one of our objectives: to empower your talent and development, has been fulfilled.
The winner of the iPad mini 4 in the #innovaIMPULSA drawing is: Hugo Sanchez Garcia @_Hugo_Sanchez_ Congratulations!!! We hope you enjoy it.