Interview with Ricardo Sánchez, CEO of Cobertoo

Santalucía IMPULSA, the acceleration program of Santa Lucía It comes to an end. Tomorrow at the Giménez de los Ríos Foundation, we will learn about the intra-entrepreneurship project and the external startup that won the program. On the occasion of their participation in the program we interviewed Ricardo Sánchez, CEO of the startup Covered, easy, transparent, community, social and participatory mobile or tablet insurance. In the interview Ricardo explained What is it exactly Covered, and why he decided to leave his previous job to enter the world of entrepreneurship: “I believe that entrepreneurship is carried by people within ourselves,” said Ricardo.
The CEO of the startup also told us what other entrepreneurs have brought to him during their time in the program: a lot of experience and teamwork. “The project allows us to interrelate and make us all grow”, Ricardo mentioned. Without a doubt Covered It's a different bet and this is how its CEO let us know in the interview: “It's a different way of understanding insurance, which provides transparency, freshness, ease and agility,” Ricardo said. With this interview we have gotten closer to the CEO of a startup in the sector that undoubtedly promises. MORE ABOUT THIS STARTUPCovered it is a risk pooling program outside the insurance sector, a platform for managing a community of users that is committed to transparent and independent community insurance. Thanks to the fact that this is collaborative insurance, the cost of protection is reduced and part of the fee paid is returned to the insured himself and to the social causes he chooses. Covered It's all tied up, 20% of the fees are used to manage the community and the remaining 80% are used to pay for claims that occur in the community. No stays, no deficiencies and no deductibles.