We interviewed Javier Arenzana, CEO and founder of WBunker

Today we want to share with you the interview we conducted with Javier Arenzana, founder CEO of WBunker, one of the startups participating in the Santalucía IMPULSA acceleration program.WBunker consists of an APP that allows you to send an alert to the members of the group that has been previously determined. In other words, it is an alert system through an APP with GPS, video and audio. In this interview, Javier told us both about what led him to become his own boss and the most satisfying moment his adventure as an entrepreneur has brought him, as well as about what he is learning in this acceleration program and what success would mean for WBunker.” In the end, we're going to spend 30% of our lives working, so if you don't do something that you're passionate about, that you like, that really motivates you, well, bad,” Javier told us.
Pero WBunker it is much more than a mobile APP, it is a project full of enthusiasm in which a total of 8 people are already participating who work every day for its success. You can learn more about this startup through its social networks: