We interviewed the startup Sense Water Foil

Throughout the Santalucía IMPULSA acceleration program of Santalucía insurance, we had the opportunity to interview our finalist startups. We just had to sit down and talk to Sense Water Foil, and this week we had the opportunity to do it. Felipe Velasco was the one who told us about this interesting project.Sense Water Foil It is a system that allows water leaks to be measured in areas of 60 x 60 cm. The system can detect even the simplest drip or sense when a puddle begins to form. Basically, it is a system for detecting water leaks using flexible foil connected to LoT and electrovalve. Felipe told us how the idea of creating Sense Water Foil, which of your objectives would you be most excited to achieve this year and where do you think you will be Sense Water Foil 10 years from now. “We have a lot of technology, why don't we create something that prevents this type of incident and that people have as hard a time as we did? At that time we made the decision to create Sense Water Foil”, Felipe confessed to us.
In addition, Felipe told us about what he hopes to achieve by participating in the Santalucía IMPULSA acceleration program: “the main thing, knowledge of that market that we don't have today”, explained the entrepreneur. There are 10 people who are already part of this startup, and we have no doubt that there will be many more, since it is a project that is worth keeping track of. If you want to know more about this interesting startup you can follow it in its social networks:TwitterLinkedInFacebookInstagram