Final Event of the 3rd Edition of Santalucía IMPULSA

Last Thursday, July 4th, the Final event of the Third Edition of the acceleration program Santalucía IMPULSA, in the Iris Santalucía building. Ángel Uzquiza, Director of Innovation of Santalucía, opened the event by welcoming attendees and reviewing how innovation was established in the company since 2015. “The journey began in 2016, 2017 was the year of takeoff and in 2018 the culture of innovation was consolidated in Santalucía,” he explained.

The comedian Quique Macías surprised the audience with a monologue on the power of innovation and introduced the protagonists of the afternoon: the startups And the Intrapreneurs. Startups were the first to introduce, starting with Nodalblock, followed by Arbor, Wayook, Opseeker and, finally, Ever Health. The presentations lasted seven minutes and then there were three minutes for doubts and questions from the Executive Committee of the Santalucía Group. 5 finalist startups
- Nodalblock: Digitalization of Processes and Services. (Blockchain): Development of a web application for the communication and management of household claims that incorporates a tool for capturing geolocated, dated and certified Blockchain images.
- Arbor: Life Business Segment. (Innovation in stock market areas | Savings plans): Micro-savings and micro-investment solution for clients from Santalucía and new customers. Use of the Marketplace to sell Santalucía products, savings for premium payments and cross-selling.
- Wayook: Home Business Segment. (Aggregators and marketplace): Managing home connections from the Wayook platform, in the professional categories of plumbing, carpentry, masonry, painting and electricity to serve our home customers.
- OPSeeker: Life Business Segment. (Innovation in stock market areas | Savings plans): Design and implementation of a digital tool for users to improve their financial culture, with the objective of attracting them to healthy financial habits and financial products from Santalucía.
- Ever Health: Services Business Segment. (Telemedicine): Telemedicine medical services for different B2B, B2C targets (day care centers, business medical services, nursing homes, travel policies, etc.).
The two entrepreneur teams gave their presentations after the startups. The first group to present was Suite And the second VibiEnda+. Both projects demonstrated the effort and work they had carried out for months, with very high-level proposals.

Intrafurrecy projects
- Suite: Digitalization of processes and services: Digital toolkit aimed at the commercial network (both telephone and agency channels) with the objective of increasing business by selling policies.
- VibiEnda+: Seniors Business Segment: Simulator that helps real estate owners to learn about all the options available in the market to improve their quality of life from the age of 65, avoiding uncertainties and providing peace of mind.
Once all the presentations were finished, the votes were counted, while a summary video showed everything that had been this edition of the acceleration program. The Executive Committee decided on a winning startup and entrepreneurship group, and the attendees voted to choose a third prize, that of the public, for the project most supported by the audience.The winning startup was Nodalblock and The winning entrepreneur group was Suite, who also won the Audience Award. In addition, and since both teams of entrepreneurs had very good projects, the ViBienda+ group was also offered the opportunity to enjoy part of the prize with their colleagues.

The startup Nodalblock winner of the Santalucía final IMPULSA

The entrepreneur project Suite, winner of the Santalucía final, IMPULSA
Finally, Andrés Romero Peña, General Director of Santalucía, congratulated the Innovation Team and all the projects of this third edition, who received warm applause from the attendees and demonstrated their enormous talent as entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. From Santalucía IMPULSA we want to express our gratitude to all those who in one way or another have made it possible for innovation to be integrated into Santalucía and have collaborated with us for the realization of the program and the final event. Thank you very much to everyone!