Innova Impulsa event. How to create disruptive businesses in traditional sectors

Next Tuesday, November 22 at the Goya Theater View location (La Ermita Shopping Center, Calle de Sepúlveda, 3 and 5, 28011 Madrid), we will hold an event called innova IMPULSA that aims, on the one hand, to provide a space for entrepreneurs to connect, and on the other hand, to inform the entrepreneurial ecosystem about the launch of the acceleration program and awards: Santalucía IMPULSA. We look forward to seeing you there!
At innova IMPULSA, invited speakers, prestigious entrepreneurs, will talk about how they have developed successful disruptive businesses, thus managing to “modify” consumption in the sector they are aimed at.
IMPULSA innovates agenda.
19:00 to 19:10 — Welcome and presentation of the Santalucía IMPULSA program.
19:10 to 19:30 — Intervention by Lluc Martí Fibla: CEO & Founder of Exploded View. Winners of the South Summit 2015 and winners of the 2016 YUZZ special award.
19:30 to 20:30 — Roundtable: “Disruptive businesses in traditional sectors” by:
- Ricardo Lop Moliner: Founder of Aceros de Hispania
- Marta Esteve: Founder and CEO of, Founder of and Co-Founder of
- Izanami Martínez: CEO of Dorctor24 and President of the Spanish Startups Association
- Moderate: Ángel Uzquiza: Director of Innovation at Santalucía Seguros.
20:30 to 22:00 — Cocktail — Networking.
In addition, just by attending Innova IMPULSA you can get the Investment Guide for Startups prepared by The Referent. An iPad mini 4 will also be raffled off among attendees who tweet a photo from the event with the hashtag #innovaIMPULSA.
More information at:
Santalucía IMPULSA team.