Start a company applying Lean Startup

If you have a Startup you're probably familiar with the Lean Startup methodology, but if you're still in the process of considering creating one, you probably haven't heard of it. Today we will tell you everything you need to know to successfully create your company guided by this method. Until now the 90% of business projects they failed and of the 10% that survived, 66% launched a product or service to the market that had nothing to do with the original idea. The methodology Lean Startup is a concept coined by Eric Ries, although it comes from theories Toyota Lean Manufacturing in Japan. But in reality Eric Ries is only the disciple of the true creator of the methodology: Steve Blank.Traditionally, projects are created in the office, a business plan is drawn up, and once the necessary funding is available, the product is launched to the market.The Lean Startup methodology redesigns the process of creating a company by doing a lot more efficient and reducing the risk associated with the launch of an innovative project. It is based on continuous learning from the market. Experimentation is, therefore, the key word of this methodology, and consists of different steps:- Define the mission of a business- Define the strategy to do so (based on assumptions) - Creation of a product or service (experimentation) - Studio of the product on the marketThere are 3 stages main ones for the business model: - Create: Creation of ideas- Measure: Implementation of ideas in the product- Learn: Validation of the real functioning of the ideas and the product According to Steve Blank, in this methodology, 3 Lean techniques are used:- The business model design: A tool that allows you to visualize what is being build.- The customer development: A guide that allows you to know what steps to take to build a new business.- The agile development: A method that allows, preferably using free tools, to produce software, physical products or services based on an idea, the date of launch being, the same day you think about it. If you decide to launch yourself into the world of entrepreneurship through Lean Startup there are some concepts that you can't ignore: - Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which makes it possible to develop a very basic version of a product in order to obtain feedback in the market without the need to consume resources. - Development of the real customer (Customerdevelopment). This concept explains the process in 4 parts: o Discover what the real customer is like or Validate that that customer really is the right one or Start sales or Calculate the company's profitability and sustainability- Pivoting: Change some of the elements of the business model throughout the process to become a profitable and sustainable company. Now that you know everything about this methodology, will you launch your startup following this methodology?