The evolution of artificial intelligence: current and future landscape

The branch of technology that encompasses artificial intelligence (AI) has meant unprecedented growth and development in the technological environment over the last few decades: the way in which we think and even live has changed. But has the evolution of artificial intelligence been so rapid? At what point are you currently? What will the future hold for us? For a more complete view of this technology, don't miss out Santalucía Impulsa Podcast #24 — Special Artificial Intelligence I: trends, current and future landscape. This chapter begins a series of 5 episodes about AI in which we will explore both the present and future of this technology and its different applications in a company like Santalucía.
The current landscape of artificial intelligence
The true history of artificial intelligence dates back approximately to the 1950s, when scientists began experimenting with the idea of imitate human intelligence through the creation of machines capable of achieving this. However, it has been in recent years that we have witnessed a Resurgence of AI. This has occurred thanks to several factors, such as the massive increase in the amount of available data, which has allowed for more efficient and accurate training; or the exponential growth of computational capacity, which has made possible the rapid processing and implementation of large scale models. Nowadays, AI is present in a multitude of aspects of our daily lives: from search engines that we use to obtain any type of information to virtual assistants that anticipate our needs, to recommendation systems, fraud detection algorithms and many more applications that are becoming more common every day. However, this rapid advance also raises ethical challenges, concerns about data privacy, transparency in the training of algorithms or the impact on society and employment. That is why the regulation In this area, it emerges as a key point to be resolved so that AI can be adopted massively, especially at the business level. Even with all this, AI has demonstrated its relentless ability to increase our productivity and facilitate or automate certain tasks at a professional level, even though this is only the beginning.

The technological revolution of artificial intelligence in the professional landscape
As artificial intelligence continues to advance, determined growth potential threats posed by the widespread use of this technology. For example, the replacement of workers, the mismatch between the competencies that workers have and those that are in demand, ethical concerns or privacy problems. It cannot be denied that AI is still in its infancy, especially if we think about everything that is to come, but legislative regulations will be in line with its development. For now, artificial intelligence has enough potential to provide countless benefits in the professional field; and despite the negative impact it can generate, many employees are already using this technology in their workplaces. Automation, the ability to process and analyze massive amounts of data in real time, personalization, improved customer service or improved decision-making are some of the areas in which AI has already demonstrated its abilities. But AI-based tools and software with a focus on streamline workflows, reduce human errors and optimize decision-making processes will continue to evolve. And companies that don't want to lose competitiveness will have to keep adapting to them.
How companies can take advantage of the evolution of artificial intelligence
The first step, as stated in episode 24 of Santalucía Impulsa Podcast Lluis Quetglas, CEO of Vecdis and expert in innovation and business transformation, is to assume that AI is not just another technological trend. As we have seen, and observing its unprecedented evolution, it has become a technological and business paradigm shift which will generate hitherto unexplored opportunities and possibilities. According to data from McKinsey, it is expected that in 2025 20% of companies' EBIT will be attributable to the use of generative AI, demonstrating unprecedented business potential. Based on this data, we collect the 4 fundamental pillars mentioned by Lluis that companies must rely on if you want to prepare for this technological revolution:
- La sighting: we are talking about an environment that changes daily, so it is essential to activate radars that allow us to detect advances, developments, best practices or success stories to import experiences.
- La experimentation: consists of exploring use cases of generative AI and generating pilots using this technology in order to optimize processes. The companies that start doing so now will be the ones that manage to be the most competitive in the medium and long term.
- Las alliances: it is important to seek connections, especially with technology companies that are integrating AI into their heart, which will facilitate its adoption; but also with the startup ecosystem, which brings differential value propositions.
- La training: this is the last pillar that companies must consider if they want to remain competitive. The time to do the upskilling is now: for employees to experiment and use AI, since those tools are going to be the ones they are required to use tomorrow.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence
As technology advances, we can expect AI to have an even more profound impact on all or many areas of our lives, both personal and professional. integrating artificial intelligence with emerging technologies such as robotics, blockchain or quantum computing still offers immense potential to continue to address more complex problems and unlock new opportunities. In this sense, this technological change will mean that certain skills must be developed, such as analytical thinking, critical thinking, creativity, or problem solving, which allow us to work successfully with the new tools. So the worker AI literacy It will be a fundamental aspect that companies must address in the short term. Education is precisely one of the best areas of application of artificial intelligence, so companies can rely on AI-based learning platforms to train, update skills and retrain their staff in this field. In short, to successfully navigate our professional future, workers will have to adapt and develop the necessary skills to work effectively alongside artificial intelligence systems.