Happiness as a business model

A factor that improves productivity and commitment Workers' happiness is. But can it become a business strategy for success? How do companies achieve the commitment and well-being of their employees? Today we talk about the Happiness as an engine of change of business culture.Martin Seligman, the main driver and father of positive psychology, talks about five fundamental elements that contribute to happiness, understood as a more tangible, human and healthy factor, through the well-known PERMA model.P = Positive EmotionsAND = Delivery (Engagement)R = Positive RelationshipsM = Meaning or purpose of life (Meaning)A = Achievement or achieved goals (Achievement) This psychologist takes notions of happiness, linked to modern theories of motivation, and invites us to find a balance between positive and negative emotions: prioritize what is good over what is bad.

When positive emotions prevail, we are more productive, empathetic and flexible, more likely to learn and improve our skills and we are more open to change, so there is better performance on tasks. It is a matter of thinking and acting in a constructive way and of looking optimistically to the future. Greater happiness, therefore, accelerates creative and innovation processes and, in the long term, this brings greater benefits: interpersonal relationships, teamwork is improved, the reconnaissance internal, talent is retained and there is a greater refitting and suppleness in the face of unforeseen events and challenges that may arise. happy and motivated employees they help organizations to get more satisfied customers, since they become good ambassadors of the brand or service and this positive impact translates into better treatment, greater empathy, an improvement in the quality of their products and in offering more positive and transformative experiences. This allows us to exceed customer expectations, who receive more than they expect.

In addition, this idea of shared happiness, which a priori may seem very remote and idealistic, goes beyond generating money and achieving objectives. It is about creating the ideal climate between workers and promoting well-being in an appropriate environment adapted to their needs. Companies that compete to attract the best talent must place people at the center of their strategies and be able to generate value and trust in order to be more ethical, sustainable and humane. Some cases of multinationals are known, such as Virgin, Google, L'Oreal or Room Mate, among others, that have incorporated happiness as a fundamental axis of their corporate culture and are currently in the ranking of the happiest companies to work for. Recently, Kike Sarasola, founder and president of Room Mate Group, focused his presentation at South Summit 2019 on the idea of Happiness as a synonym of profitability and to place people as the starting point for each innovation in the group. The “Happitality” model is based on making the stay of its guests more pleasant; while the example of employee loyalty, translated into more free time and balance measures, is bringing them benefits such as greater effectiveness and a strong pride in belonging to the company.

In short, the happiness It is key to the success of a company because it generates profitability, increases productivity and increases everyone's satisfaction. To be happy it can end up becoming a habit and it is up to us to be able to consolidate it. Do you already apply it in your daily life?