The 6 technology trends to expect in 2023

The economic situation and technological advances have forced companies around the world to evaluate their business, generate new strategies, lead changes and increase competitiveness, but above all to keep up to date with new technological trends.Every year that passes, technology takes a bigger step. Little by little, the trends that seemed to be tomorrow are taking hold, those that appeared a few years ago are now realities, and those that were expected to arrive in the future have been brought forward. And now we are facing an ideal time for Change the way you do business; a turning point for adopt new technological solutions that help companies turn moments of change and transformation into a competitive advantage. In fact, 'Culture of Learning' or Culture of Learning is a strategy that is becoming increasingly important in the business world. La acquisition of new knowledge and skills is key for organizations to lead the transition to digital transformation. With all this, we review the technological trends that will revolutionize business in 2023.
1. The metaverse, the most promising trend of 2023
El Metaverse it is the most repeated trend, in fact, it has become a recurring theme whenever we talk about the future of the technology sector. In its original conception, the metaverse can provide companies with great opportunities. Since Mark Zuckerberg began his popularity at the end of 2021, some of the big companies, from industries ranging from banking to fashion to entertainment and video games, have joined him. Many organizations have used this environment to improve your products, give another brand image or connect with your consumers further increasing their social presence. It has already happened, its possible commercial use has been demonstrated and that it offers a good user experience, so it is expected that in 2023 it will begin to take off in the professional world. Of course, there is still time to see this digital universe that mixes virtual and physical reality in a shared online space, but what is clear is that it will change the way we work, shop, meet and entertain ourselves. So, companies that don't want to be left behind in the next generation of the internet, should ask themselves some questions, such as:
- How can you take advantage of this opportunity to create products and services that provide the user with an immersive and rewarding experience?
- How to take advantage of the available platforms and tools to make internal business processes are more attractive and efficient for workers?
You may be interested in: The role that insurance will play in the future of the metaverse

2. Blockchain in the redefinition of security
Although there are those who think about the blockchain technology Only in relation to cryptocurrencies, the reality is that it offers security that is useful in many other ways. In simple terms, blockchain can be described as “string” of data, data to which you can only add, not remove or change, hence the term “chain”. Not being able to change these blocks is what makes it so secure. In 2023, questions about trust, for example, in online payments, will be based on decentralization. Until now, these payment processes have involved two parties and an intermediary who verified the data, which could cause numerous problems. However, with blockchain technology and its decentralized model, this control is eliminated by an organization and data is stored in an encrypted and more secure way. This means that they are used decentralized networks based on consensus and encryption, preventing any company from interfering with or taking control of the data. Decentralization will lead to new ways to transact, communicate and do business, in addition to facilitating automation, which will translate into a great boost when talking about digital property. In fact, blockchain is already creating new business ideas, accelerating the processes of verifying business operations and preventing fraud and cyberattacks; and all this in addition to the fact that it is a highly efficient, reliable and secure technology. That is why it will become so important in 2023 when it comes to doing business.

3. Internet of Things (IoT) for a more hyperconnected world
We are at a time when the network of sensors, connected devices and IoT infrastructures that collect data have become a fundamental point. It is a technology that is used to build the metaverse, design new ways to enable digital trust, create digital twins or train and improve the operation of intelligent machines. This is what is known as Internet of Things, and its impact on our lives will continue to be present in 2023. More and more intelligent devices are being integrated into people's personal and work lives, but until now we have seen some communication problems due to differences between platforms or operating systemsA. Over the next year, more will be developed global standards and protocols that devices can use to communicate with each other; which means that their operation will be more effective and they will be useful for a wider range of tasks. In addition, 5G, and in the future 6G, will mean that a greater number of devices can be connected, a greater speed in communication between them and that this communication can be redirected.

4. The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
In relation to IoT devices and the increase in their connections, another major trend for 2023 will be the Artificial Intelligence, with the objective of securing the data that is exchanged on these intelligent networks.Improve the security capabilities of such devices will be a priority for companies, and AI will play a fundamental role in achieving this task. It will bring a more proactive approach to security solutions and will allow automate decision-making processes, in addition to creating patterns based on modified or incomplete data. In this way, algorithms learn from data, allowing for the early detection of hazards, obtaining a minimum margin of error, predicting possible threats and helping cybersecurity experts in creating more robust protocols. This is how, in short, AI will be more intuitive and capable of processing visual, auditory and combined data, acquiring much greater power than it has today.

5. The impetus in the creation of superapps
2023 will usher in a new generation of applications, the Superapps. This is the combination of an application, a platform and an ecosystem, all in one place. Superapps combine many tools that share the same ultimate purpose and that can be used according to everyone's needs. From the same platform, a multitude of services can be offered to create personalized and more far-reaching user experiences. In addition, over time, superapps will support immersive experiences such as the metaverse, technologies that power the IoT and chatbots. That is why companies are encouraged to develop these systems to attract a greater number of customers, because they offer more features than a regular app. And its introduction into companies, even at an early stage, will provide a great competitive advantage.

6. Sustainable Technology and Its Business Effectiveness
It is understood the sustainable technology as a solution framework that is adopted in order to improve energy efficiency and technological services. But it also generates operational resilience and financial performance, not forgetting that it can represent new growth paths in many sectors. And, considering that customers and investors are increasingly looking for green credentials, sustainable technologies have become a trend that is gaining a lot of weight, in addition to encompassing several of the above. Because technologies such as blockchain, AI or cloud computing, among others, can create a greener and more sustainable future without sacrificing efficiency and business growth.As a result, in recent years many companies have already made changes in their organizations focusing on the reduction of CO2 emissions. To do this, they have migrated to the cloud, they have optimized and automated processes, etc. But, from now on, companies will have to increase these measures and ensure that they do not waste valuable resources storing unnecessary data or running algorithms that do not provide any value.

And you, what would you say are the trends that are going to emerge over the next year?