The 8 most useful tools for remote teamwork

Teleworking is, increasingly, a common practice, not only for entrepreneurs, many companies already offer this possibility to their employees. However, we still think that this possibility is not feasible, for example, when we have to carry out a task as a team. But thanks to the continuous advancement of new technologies, there are fewer and fewer barriers to working from home. Here are some tools that can be really useful for remote teamwork:
It is probably the tool we use most often, not only because it is a Google tool, being able to access it from the cloud, having all the necessary programs (word processor, presentations, templates...), and being able to share and edit documents in real time make it one of our best allies for working remotely.
Organization is one of the major drawbacks of working remotely. To solve it, we can use Pegby, a to-do planner. This planner allows us to create group tasks, choosing the people needed to perform each of them. In addition, it allows us to classify them into “pending”, “in process” and “finished” tasks.
The main advantage that this tool offers us is the possibility of making a detailed description of each work: due date, attached files, project status, people involved in each task... In addition, it has a chat for contacting the rest of the team members, and a visual calendar with important key deadlines.
This is a web application that uses “boards” as a visual aid. In this way, it allows you to organize specific projects and tasks in which other members of the team are involved. The strong point of this tool is that it offers the possibility both to add personal tasks and to assign new ones to other members. It's the perfect application if what we need is to have a micro vision of each project, and at the same time access the macro view of it to see what each task involves in the general project. Another plus point of this tool is that it's available for web, iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows 8.
Although in the beginning it was a very simple tool, it now has very useful options for remote work. It allows you to attach files, assign tasks to different members, comment on the tasks themselves, create sub-tasks, save web content, print, send everything by email and share lists by other means. In addition, it has applications for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, the web, Android, iPad, iPhone, Kindle, Windows and OS X.
It offers the ideal utilities for remote project management. The main benefit of this tool is that it allows us to prioritize tasks, so that we alleviate the workload, at the same time that we can prioritize our tasks in order of delivery. In addition to being able to access this tool from our browser, we can synchronize it with our email to create tasks practically automatically.
It stands out for its simplicity and ease of use, since it is not even necessary for all members of the working group to create an account, for one of them to do so is enough. With it, we can comfortably manage all aspects of group projects: decision-making, calendar organization, resource exchange, to-do list...
Meetings are one of the main problems we face when working remotely. This tool is the solution. This is an application that integrates with Google Calendar and Outlook to schedule appointments. It allows us to make video conferences or audio calls with up to 50 participants. Highlights the possibility of assigning a presenter or meeting leader. We can also share the screen or a whiteboard to show maps of ideas and schemes with all the members of the team. Along with this, there are other similar tools for meeting and desktop sharing such as TeamViewer, Vyew or Screen Leap. Do you use any other tool to carry out projects with your team remotely?