More than 1,000 entrepreneurs with 458 projects have participated in Santalucía Impulsa

At Santalucía Impulsa we have received more than 458 candidate projects for our startup acceleration program.
Among all the applications, there are more than 1,000 entrepreneurs forming teams on projects from different geographical areas. Colombia, Slovenia, Australia, Peru, the United Kingdom, France, the United States and the Netherlands are some of the international countries. At the national level, we have received applications from 10 autonomous communities, mainly Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia and the Valencian Community. The specialties with the most candidates are in line with new trends in innovation: artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things or eHealth. In addition to accelerating and developing projects, we aim for them to collaborate with Santalucía using an open innovation model. Now we will select 20 initiatives that will have the opportunity to defend their project before an expert jury, who will choose the 10 finalists. In the second phase of the program, the 10 finalists will participate in a specialized training program for four months with a mixed team of internal and external specialists so that each of them can develop their business. In the words of Ángel Uzquiza, Director of Innovation of Santalucía, “The quality of the applications received is very high, it will be difficult to choose the finalists of the program. Our intention is to select those projects with an innovative approach, a vocation for growth, scalability and international vision with the idea of helping them and uniting synergies so that they can collaborate with us.”Thanks to the more than 1,000 entrepreneurs who have participated in Santaluíca Impulsa, we hope that you will continue with your projects.