Innovative methodologies for creating the companies of the future

The need to innovate has become essential for today's companies. If until a few years ago the difference was made by marketing and financial aspects, now it is the capacity for innovation that determines the future of organizations.Now, classic R&D departments have evolved to achieve an ecosystem that understands ideas, talent and technology: three factors that must be present in a circuit of feedback that must come from all the people involved.The situation has changed to such an extent that any company that aspires to survive needs to consider digitalizing it. Digital transformation must be part of the agenda of any company that wants to be a protagonist of the future, and this is a process that is inconceivable without innovative methodologies.
9 innovative methodologies for building a company
Today we collect some of the main innovative methodologies applied by companies to face the competition.
1. Design Thinking
La methodology Design Thinking is one of the most popular. Its name comes from the way in which product designers work, so their objective is replicate the way designers think to find new ideas.The Design Thinking consists of generating innovative ideas focusing on understanding and providing solutions to real needs of people. It starts from the premise that in order to innovate successfully, it is necessary to develop the capacity for empathy. In this way, we guarantee that the final product solves the end user's problem. In this methodology, the problem is first defined, and then the solutions are implemented according to the user's needs, which are the core of the development of the concept. The process involves empathy, teamwork, playful environment, define, devise, prototype and test.
Design Thinking: a work methodology focused on effectiveness
El Design Thinking It is, in addition, the methodology that we use with students in the second edition of Santalucía Universities. Priming a innovation and teamwork methodology based on Design Thinking, where innovation experts help students to carry out practical cases and solve the challenges proposed during the development of their Master's degree.
2. Lean Startup
Lean Startup It is a methodology for launching new projects that seeks to create cost-effective and scalable scenarios, reducing risk to a minimum.The purpose of this method is shorten product development cycles. To this end, it implements various practices that measure real progress and help to understand what the consumer really wants or needs. This strategy allows the company change direction with agility and modify plans in real time.In this methodology everything starts from an idea that has to be validated in the market, so a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that allows us to measure results to learn, reinforce what works or pivot what doesn't work. In short, the method Lean Startup allows you to invest a smaller amount of resources in the learning and testing phase, and then invest more or ask for funding when knowledge and chances of success are high.
Methodology Lean Startup and Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
3. Agile
La methodology Agile It is the one that makes it possible to adapt the team's work to the conditions of the project, thus providing flexibility and promptness that allow a correct adaptation to the specific circumstances of the environment. Its main characteristic is to carry out fast and continuous deliveries. The project is divided into different parts, so that each of them is completed and delivered in a few weeks. Thus, if a part requires any modification, the change would only affect that specific part. Another of the main keys on which the methodology is based Agile It is the one to grant autonomy, flexibility and shared responsibility for each member of the team who collaborates on the project. This involves involving each worker in a synergy of collaboration in favor of Increase productivity and achieve success in the final project.
Methodology Agile: What is it and what is it for?
4. Scrum
Scrum is a methodology for carrying out a set of tasks on a regular basis with the main objective of working collaboratively, that is, encouraging teamwork.This method promotes a work cycle in which they are performed partial and regular deliveries of the product to be developed, which are prioritized according to the benefit they bring to the customer. Scrum is especially suitable for projects in complex environments, where it is necessary to obtain results quickly and the requirements are changing or poorly defined. But also where it is essential to develop the competitiveness, flexibility, productivity and innovation.
What is the Scrum methodology and how does it work
5. Blue Ocean Strategy
La Blue Ocean Strategy It is a methodology that invites us to innovate: forget about competition and expand the market thanks to innovation and creativity processes.This methodology says that, if you are looking for a pure, blue ocean where there is no one yet, there will be a good chance of finding a great business opportunity, an option that no one has discovered, not even shuffled, and that allows you to get the most out of it. This is how it encourages leave the Red Oceans, saturated by competition. It's about putting aside that “struggle” to be the best and looking for other business niches that exist and that no one has yet solved.
6. Forth Innovation Method
Forth Innovation Method is another methodology for innovating. The name of this method comes from the first letter of the five words that compose it: Full Steam Ahead, Observe & Learn, Raise Ideas, Test Ideas and Homecoming. Forth Innovation Method combines Design Thinking, the real world of business and creativity.This innovative methodology, which lasts 20 weeks, achieves great effectiveness in the innovation process minimizing the difficulties that companies or professionals may encounter when it comes to innovating.
7. i-Flow Framework
i-Flow Framework It is a work scheme that streamlines and diagnoses the potential for innovation of a company. This methodology follows the Information Society model for measure and diagnose the culture of innovation of an organization based on the knowledge acquired during the last 10 years designing, implementing and coordinating corporate innovation initiatives.
8. Intrapreneurship
Another of the methodologies considered to be of great importance for innovation within a company is the Intrapurrecy. This term is used to refer to the development of entrepreneurial activities within an organization, which are aimed at reformulating the business model. In other words, intra-entrepreneurship is the promotion of new ideas by employees or members of an organization, whenever the company makes it easier for them to grow, to test, to risk, to try to change what has been established, to be right and even to make mistakes. What is sought with this type of strategy is to obtain or increase benefits for the company through differentiation.
9. Open Innovation
Open innovation or open innovation consists of an innovation methodology under which companies leave their comfort zone and open up to the world. This strategy is characterized by collaboration with external professionals and the combination of internal and external knowledge to carry out innovation projects. An open innovation methodology involves two main activities: providing the company with external knowledge and taking the company's own internal knowledge abroad.