Myths about starting a new business that shouldn't stop you

Start a new business it's a great adventure full of doubts, fears and uncertainties... And surely a lot of desire! It is true that entering the world of entrepreneurship is not easy, but there are a number of myths that are as false as the legends about mermaids, minotaurs or pegasus, which you should not fall into, today we will tell you what they are and how to disassemble them. Let nothing stop you!
- You need a brilliant idea, and with it you'll get rich right away
A lie, although a good idea can be of great help to achieve success, the fact that you have come up with a great discovery does not mean that you will automatically be rich, or even that you will succeed. A less original idea well worked out can be more efficient than the idea of the century without dedication.
- The entrepreneur is born, not made
False. While it is true that some people highlight their entrepreneurial profile, venturing into a new business also requires knowledge. So talent isn't enough, we always have to keep improving our skills, and effort can be much more productive than innate abilities.
- You have to think of something that isn't invented.
It is true that some undertakings are based on ideas that no one had thought of. However, entrepreneurship is not about “discovering America”, in fact, entering a new market is riskier than entering an existing one. You can always detect new niches that aren't covered, improve a product or service, position yourself differently... The possibilities are endless!
- We have to wait for a great opportunity
Wake up! Opportunities don't come by themselves, sitting around waiting for someone to offer you the possibility of fulfilling your dream is absurd, most likely this opportunity will never come. Get up and start working on your business idea, You can create the opportunity.
- My profession doesn't fit with entrepreneurship
Nothing could be further from reality. To start a business you need knowledge, skills and attitude, and it can be done in any field, you may even discover a great opportunity in your daily life.
- I have no money
This can be a big barrier to starting a business, but the good news is that Money can be obtained. Today more than ever there is investors willing to bet on entrepreneurial projects, and you can resort to other methods such as crowdfunding.
- It's not possible in this country, or the economic situation isn't good
It is true that the situation sometimes doesn't go along and makes it difficult for us, but if you are going to start a business you have to be clear that you will find barriers that you must overcome, this is just one more, and “being born in the wrong country” can't be the reason why you don't bet on your dreams.
- In my workplace I am sure, entrepreneurship is risky
Of course, entrepreneurship involves risks, but thinking that it's safer to stay in a job that doesn't bring you satisfaction just for safety's sake is a serious mistake. Life goes round and round and a job is never safe forever. Well, it is true that before leaving your job to start a business you should think carefully, but that “security” cannot be an impediment to achieving your goals, and you can always try to combine work and entrepreneurship.
- I already tried and failed
The truth is that many entrepreneurs They fail over and over again until they succeed. Failure is only failure if you give up, but you can always take it as a Learning lesson to do better next time.
- I'm too young/too old
Entrepreneurship is not a matter of age, although it is true that some people achieved success very young, others did so at a more mature stage in their lives. The time is now!
- That you're doing well is a matter of luck
Luck is made by yourself. Most likely, you won't end up being a millionaire, let alone in two days, so if that's your idea, get it out of your head because even if you know people who have been lucky, the truth is that Entrepreneurship requires effort and dedication and it will take you a while to see the results but if you work for it it will be worth it. Now that you know the most common myths about entrepreneurship don't let them get hold of you, be expensive and go for it!