New law on self-employed workers: Everything you need to know

If you're your own boss, you've probably heard of New law on self-employed workers how long awaited it was for some. But do you really know how it affects you? We tell you all the modifications it involves so that you can benefit from them. The commission of Employment of the Congress of Deputies You have given the green light to the Act on Urgent Self-Employment Reforms, a Citizens initiative that has been carried out unanimously. With this law, a series of reforms are introduced: - Until now, the self-employed could enjoy a 50€ flat rate during your first 6 months of Social Security contributions, that rate is now extended to A year.-The self-employed who cease their activity for 2 years they will be able to benefit from this rate again if they register again, whereas before they had to wait 5 years to be able to do so. -When women rejoin after a maternity leave they will also have this rate of 50€. -Those who have to take care of dependent people or minors are You will receive a bonus of 100% of the fee for 12 months. -The self-employed will be able Deduct 20% in expenses of water, gas, electricity, and telephony if they work from home. -They can also be deducted up to 26.67€ euros per day for expenses in diet and maintenance provided that payment is made electronically to be accredited. 48.08€ can be deducted if you are abroad. -They can change your contribution base up to four times a year, so that it is better suited to their income. -With the intention that self-employed workers only have to pay when they are active, they will be able to give themselves registration and discharge from Social Security up to three times a year. -It will be possible to reconcile the collection of 100% of the pension with the extension of working life for self-employment. -The share of self-employed companies is dissociated from increases in the interprofessional minimum wage (SMI) and it will be determined year by year in the General State Budgets after dialogue with self-employed organizations.-Reduction of surcharges: The penalty for late payment of the fee during the first month of the gap goes from 20% to 10%. -Without the need to apply for a refund, Social Security will return the excess contribution of people in a situation of Pluriactivity.-Another novelty is that it includes the accident during the movement of the self-employed to their place of work, or accident In-itinere.-A series of improvements are included for training in prevention of occupational hazards.-Se They improve the conditions of the enterprise for workers with disabilities. -Freelancers are allowed to hire their children with disabilities.Despite all these measures included in the new law, there are still pending issues that you will undoubtedly be interested in if you are self-employed: -The new law does not include any Unemployment reform for freelancers. -It does not provide a solution to false freelancers, a matter that especially affects young people under 30 years of age. What do you think of the new law on self-employed workers? What aspects do you think need to be improved?