Why it's important to build a brand

La mark is the meaning of our product or service, what our customer identifies in an instant and what makes a business grow like foam. It is a distinctive sign, an identity whose main function is to differentiate us from the rest and make us totally unique and unparalleled, being able to stand out from any of our competitors, as long as we have our well-crafted and well-maintained, well-built brand. Apple, Google, McDonald's, Amazon, Coca-Cola, Adidas, Starbucks... all of them are examples of big brands who, over the years, have become icons worldwide and are recognized all over the planet for their indisputable identity and power.

The brand defines the company and its values
And the thing is that a brand It's much more than a name, a logo or a web application; a brand is the representation of an idea and reflects everything from detailed ethical values to a powerful business vision. And all this with unique guidelines and rules that differentiate us from other competing brands. We live in a world with a wide range of products and services that are similar to each other or that cover the same needs and people are constantly faced with making decisions about what to buy. This is why it is so important Build brand: To compete better.Having a well-defined brand with strong foundations is crucial for it to work and for us to ensure that our potential customers add value to it, trust it and then recommend it. Manage and make visible a strong and unique brand promise It is the first step for our brand to start growing and to make us relevant to the market.

In addition to helping the customer identify us, the brand allows the user to be part of it. This means that, if we manage to develop a brand that transmits values with which the customer feels identified, he will be the one who will help to spread it and make it grow on its own. Therefore, it is essential that our brand be credible, ethical and involving the user of her in some way. And that's the crux of the matter: make the brand part of the lives of our customers. That, when you need our product or feel a need that we can meet, your mind will guide you, without any obstacles, to our brand and value proposition. Therein lies the true power of a brand: in the user's need to consume it. So, Why is it so important to build a brand? Well, on the one hand, to be able to grow with a clear identity and product definition and, on the other (and certainly more important), to make a difference with our competitors and end up being part of the lives of our customers.