
What is a chatbot and what is it for? Advantages of using it in the company


Los Chatbots they are no longer something strange or new to today's society. The population is used to chatting and, although it is true that they are not doing it with robots, these are so natural that sometimes people are not able to tell the difference. However, do we know exactly What is a chatbot or How does it work? What are The advantages of using chatbots to serve a company's customers? We'll tell you about it below!

What are chatbots?

Los Chatbots, chat bots or conversational bots, are computer programs based on artificial intelligence (AI) designed to simulate conversations with people through automatic responses. Chatbots generally operate through messaging apps, that is, the conversation takes place through text, although some are beginning to give them greater realism with the incorporation of sound. It is therefore a logical evolution of the market and of business models. Chatbots are another step in automation of increasingly common and efficient actions in companies that are advancing in digital transformation and that are evolving towards an increasingly digital era. It's essential Get ahead of change, automate processes and offer better service to customers in order for them to choose the best option among all possible options on the market.


How do chatbots work?

As we have mentioned, the usual thing is for the conversation to be carried out using text and using short and direct language. So that a chatbot can Hold a conversation, must understand what the user is typing and be able to respond precisely and appropriately. To achieve this, we use the artificial intelligence And the Machine learning or machine learning. Through these technologies, chatbots can understand what a person says to you, Interpret it and respond in a coherent way. They are also able to learn of interactions with users: the more interactions there are, the more you learn and the better your service will be. The constant technological development it will allow us to have chatbots that are increasingly refined and capable of holding more complex conversations.


Chatbots today

According to Statista, over the past year, 67% of users worldwide used a chatbot for customer service management. In addition, Gartner's forecasts for this year were that 25% of support and customer service operations would integrate chatbots, due to their enormous adoption over the past year and the preference of millennials for them. For its part, Markets and Markets estimates an increase in the market value of chatbots from 2.6 billion dollars in 2019 to 9.4 billion in 2024. In the case of insurers, it is estimated that by 2025 all customer service actions will be carried out by chatbots. As chatbots evolve, the insurance industry will continue to evolve. 60% of millennials have already used a chatbot, and 70% of them report having had positive experiences with them. More than half of millennials who haven't used them yet claim to be interested in using them. Companies must be able to target that audience and retain, in turn, the Baby Boomers, and chatbots make it possible to address both generations.

beneficios chatbots

Source: Planeta Chatbot

Benefits of using chatbots in the company

The speed and agility of service, the precision of response and the ease of interaction with users are aspects that make chatbots an effective tool for service and customer support. For this reason, and increasingly, chatbots are being used by SMEs and companies mainly to perform tasks and functions in this area: giving information, placing orders, reporting incidents, answering questions, etc.The implementation of chatbots in the customer service area has different profits: process automation It increases work efficiency, helps Reduce costs, information is obtained with which improve sales strategies, the time spent interacting with customers to resolve inquiries is reduced, customer service capacity increases...


Having people answering user questions in real time is not realistic, operational, or competitive. Chatbots offer an efficient solution for manage and qualify users, since they allow us to always be available and notify the right people, if necessary, to manage customer questions or requests. Chatbots improve the user experience. They avoid the frustration of waiting for a response to an email or for attention from a more or less busy operator. The chatbot is always prepared and softens this attention to the user's first questions that channel the first doubts and allow the first suggestions to determine the customer's profile. Currently, after the implementation of a virtual assistant of customer service, organizations experience a reduction of 70% between calls, chats and inquiries made via email.