What is the Scrum methodology and how does it work

Managing projects and teams is, without a doubt, one of the most complicated parts for companies, especially when there is a certain uncertainty, complexity and volatility in work environments. Therefore, the optimization of resources, time, coordination of team members and assignment of tasks requires good judgment for their implementation. Una The methodology framed in agile methodologies that is the most successful is the Scrum methodology.Although the term Scrumb comes from rugby, referring to a strategy that consists of adopting a fixed formation to get the ball and put it back in play after a foul, over the years it has been used as a metaphor for teamwork that allows us to react and adapt to change, because the players work together to achieve a common goal: to try to win the game. When we talk about Scrum, we refer to a type of agile methodology that is characterized by a set of regular practices with incremental deliveries of a product to obtain the best possible result. But let's look at it in depth.
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What is the Scrum methodology?
In the business area, Scrum it is a methodology that helps teams to learn and organize yourself based on experiences, while addressing problems and inviting us to reflect on each success or failure. But how does he do it? Well, the Scrum methodology is a process for carrying out a set of tasks on a regular basis with the main objective of working collaboratively, that is, encouraging teamwork.With this method, what is intended is to achieve the best result of a given project, which is why it is based on a incremental development structure, which means that any product or service is broken down into small projects divided into different stages that cover analysis, development and Testing.In Scrum they are being carried out partial and regular deliveries of the final product on a priority basis and based on the value and benefit they offer to the customer. For this reason, it is a methodology especially suitable for tackling complex projects developed in dynamic environments, with changing requirements and in which innovation is the protagonist, flexibility an essential requirement and the essential speed in executing the results.

Work roles in the Scrum methodology
For this method to be possible, it is necessary to Work team concept. Within it, the different members assume responsibilities defined by their own methodology depending on the role played by each of them.
- Product Owner: he is responsible for increasing the value of the product and his focus is always on the customer and on the work that the team does. Product Owners maximize product value by represent and express the voice of the customer throughout the duration of the project, as they are responsible for knowing their needs and motivations to meet their expectations. He is also the person in charge of setting the objective in a clear way.
- Scrum Master: he is responsible for the work of the team, who ensures that the values and practices of Scrum are followed, therefore, he is responsible for achieve the effectiveness of the Scrum Team. In addition, it helps members to work autonomously and in an organized way, removing obstacles that could jeopardize the objective. In short, he is like the coach who stimulates and motivates the team, creating a collaborative environment to achieve the defined goals.
- Scrum Team or development team: is the team or group of professionals responsible for develop and deliver increased value in the product. This is a self-organized horizontal structure who does the work and must be available full time.
Scrum methodology: how does it work?
In the Scrum framework, members of a multidisciplinary team collaborate in the development of a product that has been valid since its first versions. To achieve this rapid and continuous delivery of value, teams work on very short execution cycles (usually between one and four weeks) that are called Sprints and that they have a very clear objective. A sprint is a mini project of no more than a month whose objective is to achieve an increase in value in the product being built. Each sprint, in turn, has a clear definition and planning, which is what will help achieve the goals set in the established time and with the collaboration of the entire team.
Sprints as the core of the Scrum methodology
The first step in achieving these objectives is the planning meeting, a session in which the entire Scrum team participates and which launches the sprint: what is going to be delivered? , how is the work going to be done? These issues are resolved by the different members, taking into account the role that each one plays. Once the sprint has started, it is important for each member to ensure that no changes are made that jeopardize the objective, that they are always maintained quality standards and that the team work together to adjust every detail of what was previously planned. At the end of each srpint, a session to review the work done by the Product Owner, or even from the customer himself, for Give feedback to the team of work. This meeting identifies what has been complied with and what has not been met with respect to what was initially agreed, the problems are detected and how they were resolved and the owner of the product decides if it is accepted as valid.

The importance of meetings in the Scrum methodology
Meetings are the fundamental pillar of the Scrum methodology, in which daily meetings, planning meetings, review meetings or, the most important, are distinguished: In retrospect, which are carried out after finishing the sprint. Like all agile methodologies seek continuous improvement in the way in which the team relates during the project development process, in Scrum the Retrospective session is ideal for this purpose. This is an opportunity for the team to reflect, share their impressions and proposals for improvement in the progress of the project and identify the lessons learned. To summarize, Scrum is the discipline that is driven by the concepts of innovation, flexibility, competitiveness and productivity, managing to enhance four of the main demands of the labor industry: value, time reduction, agility and reliability, implementing teamwork and joint problem solving to obtain the best result in each project.
Phases of the Scrum methodology
The Scrum methodology goes through a series of phases that make it possible for the project to be carried out successfully.
Phase 1: Planning or Product Backlog
The process begins with the elaboration of the call Product Backlog, a file that collects brief and detailed information about the project what is going to be developed (set of tasks, requirements, functionalities, etc.) and what is necessary to start with the first sprint.With the Scrum method it is not necessary to define all the objectives at the beginning of the project, but rather this document It can be modified as the work progresses and in accordance with the learning that is acquired in the development of the product.
Phase 2: Execution or Sprint
This stage of development is where the process interactions or sprints, that is, regular and partial deliveries of the final product. The strategy is aimed at managing and normalizing errors that may appear in developments that are too long, through frequent meetings to ensure that the objectives set are met.
Phase 3: Control or Burn Down
All actions that are performed must have a control. El Burn Down It is the phase in which The progress of a given project is measured, their status and evolution are marked and the tasks and requirements pending to be addressed are indicated. So, if you haven't yet implemented the Scrum methodology in your work team, this is the ideal time to do so!