Fifth mentoring and training session: Growth, Scalability and Internationalization

Yesterday, the entrepreneurs participating in the program Santalucía IMPULSA They had the Thursday and penultimate training session. The workshop, about growth, scalability and internationalization, revolved around how to create economies of scale and make a project scalable. In addition, within the framework of the economy of scale, it was explained how to internationalize a project and make it scalable in foreign markets. Lucía Latorre, from Business Development and Insomnia, Francisco Estevan, CEO of Innsomnia, and Jorge Alvar, Director of Infrastructure, Environment, Energy and ICT at ICEX, were responsible for carrying out this training, since their experience and knowledge on the subject made them the perfect speakers.

During the mentoring we were able to observe how the teams started the week with a lot of energy, in a good mood and very focused on their tasks. There is still a lot of work ahead and each startup has specific objectives and challenges, on which they are working together with their mentors from Santa Lucía And Innsomnia.

Opinions of the participants of Santalucía IMPULSA
The end of the program is coming to an end and we wanted to collect some of the participants' opinions regarding it. What has it meant for them to participate in Santalucía IMPULSA? What is the best thing about the acceleration program?
According to Gonzalo Camiña, CEO of Opseeker, the program allows them to work on their solution in an environment in which to test it with end customers and test it in order to improve it and adapt it even more to the needs of their customers. They also believe that it allows them to better understand their business model, which is key to being able to grow and scale the solution.
A Rodrigo Olmo, co-founder and CTO of Wayook, it is very illustrative for him to see what needs a large group like Santalucía can meet his startup. The program allows them to learn more about the sector and learn a lot personally and professionally.