Santalucía IMPULSA at South Summit 2018

One more year, Santalucía IMPULSA, the acceleration program of Santa Lucía, did not want to miss the great annual event with entrepreneurship and innovation, and was present with its own stand at South Summit, which was held in La Nave, Madrid, on October 3-4 and 5. During these days, more than 2,500 meetings have been held between startups, investors and corporations. We tell you about the presence of Santalucía IMPULSA at South Summit 2018.This is the third consecutive year that the accelerator has been going to event on entrepreneurship most anticipated and crowded of the year, and once again the team of Santalucía IMPULSA informed and helped all the entrepreneurs who came to the stand during the event. Although the official start date of the third edition of Santalucía IMPULSA, the members of the accelerator team, encouraged entrepreneurs and startups to apply to be part of the program and obtain the necessary resources and knowledge to advance their project. It was also explained how the two previous editions had gone, and the results obtained in each of them. Another important protagonist of South Summit was SHIELD, the protection app for the whole family, which can be obtained free of charge by any customer of Santa Lucía. This application is the result of the synergy established with WBunker, one of the finalist startups of the first edition of Santalucía IMPULSA, and that at South Summit he managed to win over the attendees who came to the accelerator stand. During the meeting we had very special visits to our stand, among which the Albert Rivera, president of Ciudadanos. We were also visited by several well-known people in the company, such as Javier Campos, Director of Business Development of the company, Emma Marín, Director of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility, and Andrés Romero, General Manager of Santalucía insurance.
The meeting opened with an opening ceremony by Damn. Nadia Calviño, Minister of Economy and Business. Throughout the 3 days of the event, we were able to see different well-known figures of the enterprise making presentations in the different rooms of the venue, and finally, on the 5th, the closing ceremony and the award ceremony took place. He attended such an event Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government, together with Manuela Carmena, Mayor of the Community of Madrid and José Lladó, founder and president of Técnicas Reunited. Although several prizes were awarded during the ceremony, Pedro Sánchez, presented the award to the startup that won South Summit 2018, Amadix, selected from among the 100 finalist startups for its cancer early detection project.The edition of South Summit 2018 has been a great success, as evidenced by the attendance data: 16,000 attendees in total, which represents 50% more audience than in the last edition, 3,200 entrepreneurs and more than 175 investment funds. Santalucía IMPULSA It has been a pleasure to once again be part of an event dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship of the magnitude of South Summit, and we want to thank the organization, as well as all those who came to our stand. We hope to repeat attendance next year at the 2019 edition of what for us is already the great event of entrepreneurship.