SANTALUCÍA IMPULSA and CAMPUS are committed to university talent with the I Insur Hackaton

SANTALUCÍA DRIVES, the Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation ecosystem of the GRUPO SANTALUCÍA, and CAMPUS SANTALUCÍA, the company's educational leader, continue their commitment to university talent and innovation within the framework of their program Santalucía Promotes Universities. This is the objective of the two initiatives they have carried out with students from different schools in our country. On the one hand, Santalucía Impulsa Universities celebrated the The Insur Hackathon. A day in which students from the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC), the ESIC business school, the Camilo José Cela University (UCJC), the Carlos III University (UC3M) and the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) have developed - in groups consisting of 5 students and a mentor from each university - a new solution to a strategic challenge offered by SANTALUCÍA. The participants worked as a team until they came up with a minimum viable product, with a prototype and business model. At the end of the day, each project was defended before a jury made up of managers from different areas of the SANTALUCÍA GROUP who chose the team of students from the Rey Carlos University (URJC) as the winner, for a project related to products focused on the health and well-being of young people and their families. In addition, SANTALUCÍA IMPULSA and CAMPUS, have also organized a Bootcamp of 3 days that has received the young students of the Master in Management: Digital Business from Loyola University. During these three days, the corporate innovation team of GRUPO SANTALUCÍA has worked with the students of the master's degree with challenges from their own businesses and from the Innovation area itself, coming up with high-quality value proposals in terms of vision and strategy, business model and rapid prototyping. In the words of the corporate managers of the program, Ángel Uzquiza, Innovation Director of GRUPO SANTALUCÍA and Javier Córdoba, CAMPUS Director: ”It has been a luxury to have so much young talent, as well as to learn so much from them and their vision. We are sure that for the students it has also been an enriching experience in which they have put into practice and learned skills and knowledge necessary for any future professional environment. From SANTALUCÍA, we want to continue advancing and bringing innovation closer to younger talent”.About SANTALUCÍASANTALUCÍA, a comprehensive insurance company with 100 years of history, is the parent company of GRUPO SANTALUCÍA, a provider of protection, savings and family assistance services, with a significant presence in different channels and geographies. At the end of 2021, the Group has consolidated revenues of 2,891 million euros and total assets of 13,179 million euros.AM Best rates SANTALUCÍA's financial strength (FSR) as “A” (Excellent), and as “a” the long-term issuer's credit rating (ICR), both with a stable outlook. Fitch rates SANTALUCÍA's financial strength (IFS) as “A”, and its rating as “A-”, both also with a stable outlook. In October 2022, this same agency reaffirmed its financial strength rating as “A” and a stable outlook. Although its main market is in Spain, the Group is developing an important internationalization strategy, and is currently present in Portugal, Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Argentina.For more informationCommunication StudioRef: 91 576 52 50Silvia Rodríguezsrodriguez@estudiodecomunicacion.comMaría Luisa Guerrero:mguerrero@estudiodecomunicacion.comInes Amil:iamil@estudiodecomunicacion.comFountain: Santalucía