SCUDO Santalucía, an app for the protection of the whole family and their immediate environment

It's here! Recently, the insurance company Santa Lucía has launched together with WBunker, the SCUDO pilot, a security tool that is integrated into mobile phones for the protection of families.
How does SCUDO work?
Nowadays, there are not a few problems that a member of the family can suffer: physical aggression, harassment, bullying, sexual assault, abuse, persecution, theft, accidents and violence in general are the order of the day. As a measure of protection against all of them, Santa Lucía you have included the SCUDO application in your iPlus household policy. Through the mobile app you can create up to 3 groups that include up to 7 members each, and in case any of the relatives or friends, members of the groups, are in a dangerous situation only alerts should be activated. Activating them will depend on whether we have an Android or iOS terminal, but it is very simple in any case. On Android phones, without the need for prior unlocking, we only have to press the “home” button 4/5 times in a row. If, on the other hand, our terminal is iOS, we will press the “warning” button on the home of the App for 2 seconds. At that moment, different actions will automatically be activated:
- Video camera: what It will record everything that happens.
- GPS: Localizing the device in real time issuer of the alert.
- Battery: Indicating the battery level which is available on the sending telephone.
- Tour view: Showing Where has it happened.
All of this collected information is sent to the group's managers' phones in real time. In addition, the videos are fully encrypted and protected.
For now 50,000 customers can now use of her since last April 24.
Do you want to know more about how it works? Don't miss this explanatory video:
How was SCUDO born?
This pilot was born from the merger between the insurance company and WBunker, one of the winning startups of the first edition of Santalucía IMPULSA, the acceleration program of Santa Lucía.
In the words of Ángel Uzquiza, Director of Innovation at SANTALUCÍA: “SCUDO de SANTALUCÍA will help our customers connect with their immediate environment in the face of a situation of insecurity. It's a new way to provide them with protection and to be close to them anytime, anywhere.”
For his part, Javier Arenza, Founding CEO of WBunker explains:”It's an app with a high added value. It is designed to provide people with security and peace of mind in their daily lives, always maintaining the privacy of their location, since it is only activated if the start button is pressed four times in a row to issue an alert. Otherwise, no one will be able to know your location”

This pilot is not only a new protection service for those who trust the insurance company, it is also a reflection of results obtained through the company's acceleration program, Santalucía IMPULSA. This program is currently celebrating its II edition, from which new opportunities for synergies will undoubtedly emerge.
On the occasion of Launch of SCUDO, we had the opportunity to interview Javier Arenzana CEO Founder of WBunker, who told us about the application and its importance in synergy with Santa Lucía:
- How do you feel seeing a tangible collaboration with real customers of Santa Lucía after all the effort and time spent on your acceleration program?
For us it's like A dream come true, behind this collaboration there are many hours of work, from the outside it may seem that it is something simpler, but There really is a lot of time spent behind it.
We have been working with this project for more than 3 years and after so long seeing it become a reality is something incredible for us. Thanks to Santalucía insurance And to Santalucía IMPULSA we can show that this project is really useful for people, it can even save lives.
- What do you think the SCUDO project will contribute to Santa Lucía?
The most important thing is to make it easier for customers to Santa Lucía a tool that is truly useful in any emergency situation. We are aware that the promptness and quality of information when asking for help is fundamental, and the “SCUDO Santalucía” App meets both requirements.
Regarding what SCUDO can bring to Santalucía insurance, we live in a world that is constantly changing towards digitalization. Nowadays, large companies such as Santalucía insurance they have to adapt to new technologies and offer services that truly provide added value to their customers. I think that gifts that were made in previous years, such as a pen or a diary, are no longer useful and do not provide real differentiation.
In this way, the customer of Santalucía insurance Do you know that your insurance company not only offers them insurance of any type, but also is concerned about offering them other valuable products. SCUDO Santalucía is an App that can really build customer loyalty and that today, where with a single click you can change companies is something of great value.
- How do you think WBunker's collaboration with the company will advance?
This release is a SCUDO test with 50,000 real customers who are going to install the App, test it and evaluate it. After the trial period, we will extract usage and evaluation metrics to later extend the service to a larger number of customers so that everyone can benefit from this type of value-added products.
- How do you value your relationship as an entrepreneur with a corporate accelerator such as Santalucía IMPULSA?
For a startup like ours to be able to participate in an accelerator like Santalucía IMPULSA it is something that is priceless. In the end, what we are looking for in an accelerator is to be able to prove that our business model is really useful and there is no better way than to demonstrate it with a corporate accelerator, which also really wants to innovate and work with startups in order to improve as a company.
We have had many meetings with all departments of the company and each of them has given us their feedback on the business model, something that is fundamental for us. One thing is our vision and another is the vision of the great company, there is always a difference and being able to know that feedback allows us to adapt to the needs of large companies.
- What do you think about the opportunity offered by large companies like Santa Lucía to entrepreneurs?
It seems to me to be fundamental, both for large companies and for startups. As I said, we are in a time of continuous evolution, and if large companies like Santalucía insurance they do not innovate and adapt to new changes, they will always be behind.
And for startups I think there is no better way to test our business models than in acceleration processes where real pilots are carried out with real customers. These metrics of use, evaluation, etc..., that are obtained are very valuable for startups like ours, they are the real proof that the model works.
- How do you see your future as an entrepreneur in the next 2 years?
The truth is that the life of an entrepreneur in the new technology sector changes too much and making plans after 2 years is a bit hasty. Even so, our plan is manage to sign a great contract in Spain, if possible with Santalucía insurance and expand first in Latin America and then in the United States.
We want to continue adding utilities to the App so as not to be left behind, we have already thought of several valuable services that can make this App essential when it comes to family security. Always first detecting the need and then working on it to find a really useful solution.
- What would you recommend to other entrepreneurs, regarding participating in the acceleration program? Santalucía IMPULSA?
If your business model is B2B or B2B2C, the best way is to enter these acceleration programs, and in the case of Santalucía IMPULSA we are the real proof that they really want to innovate and work with the startups selected in Santalucía IMPULSA, who bet on the accelerator, will learn a lot, not only about their business model, financial plan, launch, resource optimization, etc., but also about the vision that a company the size of Santa Lucía has about your project. They will go through all departments and will be able to make all the inquiries they need, this feedback is essential to adapt.