Series that you have to watch if you are an entrepreneur

If you are a true fan of series, and you have also started your own business or are willing to do so, this post is for you. We recently recommended you a series of Motivational movies to help you in your entrepreneurial phase. Today we collect the series for entrepreneurs. Don't miss them!
Harley and the Davidsons
It's an American miniseries, so it won't take long to watch it and it's sure to be worth it. This series, which premiered in 2016, is based on the true story of the birth of the famous brand “Harley-Davidson” which coincided with the great technological change that occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. A series that ignites the engines of entrepreneurship.

Silicon Valley
How could it be missing from our list of series for entrepreneurs? Narrate the story of four young people in the cradle of entrepreneurship and startups. The great lesson of this series is that an idea alone is worthless, you need a good team behind it capable of making it a reality. A life lesson for entrepreneurs!

This series is based on a true story, and tells the reason why many decide to start a business: the lack of income. What the protagonist did not know at the beginning is that she will end up building a large fashion empire from a small business selling vintage clothes on eBay. A comedy that, although motivating, also teaches the toughest side of setting up an online business.

Game of Thrones
Not only should you watch it because it is one of the series with the highest ratings on HBO that has been conquering the public for years, some say that it can be extracted from it great lessons on leadership and power. In short, if you want to become a good leader, you can't stop watching Game of Thrones.

The Sopranos
Another series that could not be missing from our list of series for entrepreneurs. The entrepreneur's daily life is based on knowing how to manage. Based on a story of the Mafia that transcended the screen, this series is a reference for learning to Set strategies and manage a business effectively.

Mad Men
Surely if you are in the business world, you have been recommended to watch this series on more than one occasion. It is based on the Beginnings of advertising in the United States during the 1950s. Although many of the things we will find in it will seem surreal to us today, to see the audacity demonstrated by its protagonist for Improve company prosperity can be of great help to you.

Two girls without white
Although this is an American comedy from which you think you can't extract anything but entertainment, you are very wrong. Its protagonists intend to save to make their dream come true and set up your own business, but as you already know, entrepreneurship is much more than that, and this series will make you understand the importance of defining objectives and strategies, and the great effort involved in starting a business.

The Good Wife
After many years without working, the protagonist of this series is forced to resume her career, full of doubts and insecurity. Have you ever wondered if you are really good for what you are doing or want to do? This series is a reflection of the obstacles that we encounter when starting and overcoming them.

Now that you know what series you should watch if you are an entrepreneur, prepare popcorn, turn off your cell phone so that no one bothers you and start your marathon of series that will help you in your entrepreneurial adventure.