Smart working: what it is and how to apply it

The pandemic inevitably crossed all areas of our lives, and some of the changes that came made it to stay. At the workplace level, while many companies are debating how to return to normal, others they have transformed their work model and have launched themselves into innovative scenarios, as is the case of Smart workingAnd the fact is that, in the midst of digital transformation, not only has people's way of relating changed, but also the way of To understand work and to work has been affected. This is when companies must adapt to changes to achieve productive, motivated and satisfied workers.
What is smart working?
Currently, the Smart working is shaping the way we work and, although many people associate it directly with teleworking, which is one of the key elements of this new modality, it is much more than that. Smart working was born as a new work model that It unites teleworking and new technologies to provide the worker with all possible tools to develop maximum efficiency. When we talk about smart working, we refer to providing the employee with the necessary resources so that they can carry out their work completely autonomously.In this way, this modality abandons the traditional work model based on keeping hours in a specific job. Instead, it generates a trust between the company and the employee to provide the latter with all the facilities it needs to carry out its task freely. Thus, what smart working seeks is not for the worker to work a certain number of hours, but rather that meet certain objectives.In short, smart working is a work methodology based on trust in the worker, although it is also of great importance that employees know perfectly What are your objectives.

How to apply smart working
Despite the fact that in recent years it has acquired a lot of prominence, according to data from the INE (National Institute of Statistics) in Spain only 27% of companies allow employees to work remotely.As can be seen with these data, few companies decide to incorporate smart working into their daily lives, but it's as simple as taking into account the three basic pillars on which this business management formula is based: mobility and flexible hours, teamwork and the use of new technologies.But it is important to note that this modality not applicable to all jobs. Due to the relocation and freedom of schedules, many of the more traditional or public-facing works have limitations when it comes to implementing it. That's why we talk about a upward trend in office-associated jobs that can be moved anywhere without affecting the development of the work. The implementation of this innovative work methodology proposes a more efficient management of people and seeks not only to increase productivity, but also satisfaction and talent through reconciliation, but it represents a challenge both for companies and for the workforce, between whom perfect coordination is needed.
Features of smart working
When talking about smart working, there are those who automatically think of teleworking. However, it should be clarified that, although this is one of the fundamental pillars of this new modality, teleworking It is not the only aspect that determines it. Below are some of the details general characteristics that determine what smart working is and how it is applied.
Mobility and offshoring
Although it is closely linked to teleworking, the mobility It is one of the main elements of smart working, where the worker can Decide where you want to work: from home, from an office, a cafeteria, etc. Many workers who adopt the teleworking model do so within specific hours associated with a specific space (usually at home). However, in the case of smart working, overcome these limitations, since the employee can work from home if he wants to, but he can also do it anywhere else, in a different place each time and at any time of the day, as long as he meets the objectives on time. In other words, the smart worker not only teleworks, but also has mobility and absolute freedom.

Freedom and flexibility of schedules
Another of the characteristics that define smart working and that differentiate it from traditional work is the freedom and flexibility of schedules. Thanks to this work organization, the smart employee does not have to keep a schedule, they can carry out their obligations For as long as necessary and in any way he deems appropriate, always meeting the objectives required by the company. With remote work, without limitations and with all the necessary resources available, the worker can organize according to their needs and abilities, which allows him to have the work organization that interests him most. All of this has a positive impact on professional performance, since it allows him to better reconcile work, personal and family life, something highly valued by workers.
Work by objectives
Another fundamental characteristic of smart working is that it is a modality that completely adopts work by objectives. In fact, both offshoring and freedom of schedules are only possible because what is asked of the employee are tasks linked to specific objectives. As long as the worker meets their objectives in the established manner and time, it is possible to apply the rest of the characteristics of smart working.
Telework or remote work
The employees who work in a smart working model are teleworkers, that is, they have no obligation to travel to an office or a traditional workplace, but they can carry out their work where they choose freely.Remote work is feasible thanks to technologies and technological advances, which make it possible to optimize time and resources and reduce costs, for example, in terms of time and travel. This requires tools such as internal chats or an employee portal.
Without a doubt, the key to smart working lies in the technology, mainly in having a computer with Internet connection, which is what will allow relocation and the flexibility to have access to all types of files, documents and information anywhere and at any time of the day. To be able to apply this modality Digitalization is essential. It is important for the company to get rid of all the tools, programs and resources that cannot be hosted in the cloud so that the worker can carry out their task regardless of where you are and to make the most of their abilities.

Advantages and disadvantages of smart working
Broadly speaking, it can be said that the Smart working presents more advantages than disadvantages, which explains the fact that it is increasingly generalized and present in sectors of various types in which it can be applied.
- Smart working is a work model based on Achieving results, which provides extra motivation for employees, increasing their efficiency and motivation, since they can assess your achievements more objectively.
- Improves quality of life of the workers who can access this work model, since they can freely dispose of their time and organize it in the way they consider most suitable for their daily lives.
- Reduce the costs associated with work. For example, thanks to teleworking, you avoid trips to the office, and also the expenses associated with rent, office supplies and diets and meals away from home.
- The implementation of smart working is a way to promote talent. Thanks to the relocation of jobs, finding talent far from headquarters is no longer an impediment to hiring valuable people for the organization.
- Facilitates the formation of multicultural and multidisciplinary work teams, which increases diversity in the company and provides different perspectives.
However, smart working also has certain limitations or weaknesses in your application, and that is where its main drawbacks are seen.
- The proper functioning of this modality will depend on whether companies know how to provide their employees with training and the necessary technological tools for the optimal performance of their functions.
- An increase in the distractions and isolation from work teams, the result of relocation and freedom in mobility. In addition, it is common for workers to feel a certain lack of hierarchy derived from the absence of direct supervision if a fluid communication between members.
- Workers must commit to Keep up to date with the news technologies and promote communication to avoid equipment isolation, in addition to hone your self-management skills to meet the objectives.
- And the main problem with this trend is the lack of a regulatory framework, which sometimes generates reluctance on the part of businessmen. Labor legislation in Spain on smart working is very small and only establishes a series of generalities, leaving loose ends and legal gaps that may cause future problems.
The natural evolution of the world of work, the growing desire of workers to improve their working conditions and technological advances are the key to the future of business management, which is why they push organizations to seek new management methods. However, the application of methodologies such as Smart working They depend on the joint effort of companies and employees.And you, have you applied smart working in your company?