
Senior Startups from the Insurtech Map of the insurance sector


In June 2021 Santalucía Impulsa released the second edition of Insurtech map of the insurance sector, prepared together with the newspaper El Referente, as a result of a necessary update that will cover The push for digitalization in all categories. Within this large ecosystem, the growth of Senior Startups/Silver Economy since, taking into account the current scenario, included in the I Santalucía Senior Trends and Innovation Report and Silver Economy, the new Senior consumer represents a unique opportunity for the creation of innovative technological projects and services that help people as they age. In general, there are many startups that have worked to develop initiatives for the health, care, care, well-being and professional care of elderly people or people with dependency problems to improve their quality of life, and thus, by valuing old age and giving the profession of caregivers the respect it deserves, is how Senior Startups developed below.


Alice65 is a revolutionary technological solution whose mission is converting passive voice assistants into active mechanisms, that is, in conversation starters, through multiple IoT devices.The Spanish entrepreneurs who have given rise to this idea have focused their development on the capacity of virtual assistants to managing useful reminders such as taking pills or medication, the Activating alerts such as the dates of medical appointments, calendars so as not to forget birthdays, the GPS positioning for when the user leaves home... In this way, to have this service you only need a Internet-connected voice assistant, an assistance button and a mobile phone to connect it to the system. From there, its operation is simple: the older one will only have to press the button, which will always have it as a pendant, and the assistant will take care of Report pending tasks or reminders for the same day, you can even confirm if the corresponding medication has been taken. In addition, family members or support people will have a mobile application where you can track your activity, as well as updating reminders or confirming medical appointments. This is how, offering personalized solutions to the most vulnerable group, Alice65 provides innovation in the care sector.


Beprevent It is the solution that allows older people to continue living in their own home providing them with the necessary independence while keeping their families informed.The application provides people who care for the elderly the peace of mind that everything is going well, allowing them Know where they are and what they are doing at all times. Of course, always respecting your privacy. They achieve this through their tags, which provide intelligence to any everyday object. These are sensors that, placed on the most significant and relevant objects for the person, they detect and analyze every movement.The tags are connected to a mobile device through a central device that does not require Wi-Fi or a telephone line at home. Thanks to him, relatives receive Real-time notifications when using the objects to which the labels are attached. Just with a tap on the screen, the application will show what is happening at that precise moment, as well as what happened in the previous hours or days. In addition, the app allows you to create alerts or reminders, for example, when older people have to take medication or when they exceed their walking time. Thus, it compares the level of daily activity, prevents excessive street trips and reports altered sleep rhythms.

Adopt a Grandparent

Adopt a Grandparent was born from the story of Alberto (25 years old) and Bernardo (86 years old), specifically when the latter confesses to the young man that his greatest desire is to have a grandchild. It is at that moment that Alberto comes to mind adopt Bernardo as a grandfather, a fact that inspired him to formally found the organization and thus alleviate situations of loneliness.60% of older people who live in homes do not receive visitors, that's why the goal of Adopt a Grandparent is Connecting generations to each other and that all older people feel accompanied, listened to and loved while young volunteers learn from the wisdom and values that reside in them. To be part of this community you only have to register, take a test that Connect each person to the grandfather they are most like and make a monthly financial contribution. Once this is done, users will be able to connect with their adopted grandparents through a call system, visit them in homes and do different activities with them, ranging from eating in restaurants to participating in workshops.


Aiudo was created to digitize and professionalize a traditional and informal sector, which is that of caring for the elderly in their homes so that they live in a dignified way being cared for by a person who is integrated into the bosom of the family. The purpose pursued by this home caregiver agency is to improving the quality of life of Seniors accompanying them with specialized workers for each particular situation (internal caregivers, on an hourly basis, for weekends, for people with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, etc.). For this purpose they follow the Person-Centered Care Model, where the user is the core of the intervention. Aiudo only works with professionals with references and vocation, and for this purpose they follow a pioneering selection process: The psychologists of the team carry out specific tests on the caregiver to verify their competencies and assign each client the one with whom they have the greatest affinity and compatibility. For all these reasons, and because the company has the The lowest turnover rate of caregivers for the elderly in the sector, define themselves as “experts in selecting, managing and hiring caregivers”.


Cuideo It's the company leader in home care for the elderly, and its objective is accompany and assist the elderly in their daily tasks so that they can stay at home for as long as possible. Older people often face loneliness, and Cuideo, to overcome this feeling, selects carefully trusted and professional caregivers that provide them with what they need: listening, presence or support.Despite the difficulties that families face in finding a trustworthy caregiver, this company's team is following a thorough selection process which includes validation of resumes, personal interviews and aptitude tests, administrative control and document verification, a presentation of up to three caregivers, the validation of training and experience and even the verifying references from other families.In addition, it has CuideoAssist, a wearable which requires no facilities and is ideal for taking to the street. This advanced mobile remote assistance system and medical and psychological consultations is specially designed so that older people and their family and/or professional caregivers feel accompanied and protected at all times. The user only has to press the button in case of emergency or insecurity, and the company will mobilize all the necessary resources.


Cuidum It's a online home care platform which connects professional caregivers with families who are dependent on elderly people or with dependency problems. It is a company model that Conjugate the location of the people you connect, but without forgetting the characters of the caregiver and the person to be cared for and the pathology of the dependent with the training of the professional. For the selection of its professionals, it carries out a process in which key aspects such as training, experience, trust and yardstick from former employers. In addition, to provide better service/families, it has a team of psychologists who monitor the emotional state of both caregivers and caregivers on a monthly basis.


Depencare is one of the most comprehensive services of home care, including internal and external caregivers, for the night or accompaniment services. His first clients were the grandparents of the creator of the company, that's why empathy is its fundamental value. As a result, they seek in all their employees sensitivity to the situation of these people, being aware that each family faces a different situation and the needs are not the same in each case. The company is looking for the ideal caregiver or caregiver, who the customer hires directly to get a cheaper price, while they take care of all the contracting procedures and follow up on the service to make sure it's satisfactory for both parties. The team is responsible for ensuring that older people are happy and families are calm knowing that their loved ones are in good hands. It can be summarized in that Depencare helps older and dependent people to live a full life in their own home thanks to the selection of a trained and reliable caregiver And to the management of all administrative issues.


Durcal It is the oldest health, safety and happiness app for the elderly. A free family platform that allows you to check the health and safety status of Seniors remotely in real time with a single click. The app, which has a simple and intuitive interface adapted in view and technological abilities of older people, it divides its functionalities into three parameters: health, which detects steps, sleep quality, body temperature and heart rate; security, including geolocation, charge level and phone coverage; and happiness, which allows you to share photos and videos and keep track of the times that the elderly have been visited or called by phone through a ranking. In addition, it has recently incorporated into its functionalities the Durcal bracelet with GPS, so that the families of the elderly are safe even if they don't have their phone on them. The bracelet has a system of GPS location which indicates the location in real time, a fall detection system that will automatically detect the emergency and notify the family without the need to press any button and a help button connected 24 hours a day to a control panel emergency receiver.Taking into account that the Silver Economy It is a sector that is currently booming, the objective of this application is to offer a service adapted to the aging of the population to combat loneliness by encouraging the contact of older people with their families.


From the age of 50, regular physical exercise is crucial to improving health and well-being, which is why Enola was born to offer a personalized sports service to all people over this age. The application has a medical team consisting of cardiologists, traumatologists, physiotherapists and professional trainers, who are responsible for planning the training and adapting it to the needs of each user. All Enola requires before starting to get in shape is to download the app and take a short questionnaire about the state of health to adjust the training to the physical state. From there, the team is responsible for offering a specific and personalized exercise plan that the user can do at any time and place.


Familiados It's the online home care network that connects experienced qualified caregivers with the elderly, dependent people, the sick and children. The goal of Familiados is to find the help of a caregiver immediately when a urgency or a family problem, such as replacing the regular caregiver or planning a getaway. Once the request is received, they look for the right professional within a radius close to the house and in less than an hour they send the recommendation. Their strong point is the catalog of caregivers, a marketplace for professionals to which it is possible to turn to when circumstances are pressing and who are able to integrate into the lives of dependents regardless of their conditions.



Neki It is the leading startup in development GPS tracking devices for the elderly. It offers security to families of elderly people by connecting them through various GPS devices such as watches, belts or pendants that promote their autonomy and safety. The devices Nock Senior by Neki are designed especially for older people at risk of becoming disoriented or with Alzheimer's in the early stages. They include a hidden GPS that allows family members to check the location in real time without a distance limit. All devices are can be monitored with an app which allows the person responsible for the person to view the routes taken and receive fully configurable alerts or warnings, for example if the person enters or leaves an established security zone.


Pensium It is the program that allows families coping with paying for care for an older family member without losing your assets, without any type of mortgage, without guarantees, without spending your savings and without having to disburse any money. Its objective is Facilitate funding of the private residential space or of home care for the elderly with own housing, anticipating up to double the rent of your home in order for your house to work to pay for your assistance.


Qida is a social enterprise that offers services of home care for dependent people and the elderly.It makes available to the client internal caregivers, hourly caregivers, night or hourly services, accompaniment of the elderly to hospitals and homes, and remote monitoring sensors that are installed in the home so that the elderly can receive the assistance they need As long as they're home alone.Once the application form has been filled out, the company prepares a Individualized Care Plan with different profiles so that the client can interview them and select the most appropriate one in each case. Finally, it provides personalized follow-up with a social worker who advises users on everything they need. At Qida, they trust that transforming home care is the only way to make the healthcare system Sustainable and of quality.

Rosita Longevity

Rosita Longevity is a longevity coach, an application that helps you live longer healthy years thanks to the development of healthy habits in the form of personalized itineraries that can be taken from home. The aging process is 80% epigenetic, which means that lifestyle choices They determine the way in which one ages. To achieve healthy aging, Rosita is turning to People between 60 and 75 years old to help them create a longevity plan through personalized activities designed by experts. The application makes available to the user classes, activities, tests and games, among which you can find consultations with physiotherapists, yoga, fitness, functional training, active dancing or even karate, all to incorporate Healthy lifestyle habits in the daily routine In a fun way. What sets Rosita apart from other virtual training apps is that it has an approach that goes beyond exercise. Its objective is Increase healthy life expectancy by 5 years, that's why it starts with exercise, because it's the most expensive habit with the most impact on health, but it also covers areas such as education about aging or emotional health.


The company of Reliable home care for the elderly and dependent, Senniors, seeks to help these people to continue living in their own home with a better quality of life receiving expert and close care. Among the services it offers are internal caregivers, on an hourly basis, support in a residence or hospital or the management of procedures if the user already has a caregiver. Once the registration form has been filled out, the company makes a Social and Health Assessment of the person who will receive the care and their environment and selects the ideal caregivers, responsible for all administrative management. Both the process and the relationship will always be accompanied by a family advisor, and the customer will be able to track daily care through the app.


Vermouth It's the Digital Platform That Wants to Prove That Age Is Just a Number through activities designed for people with life experience. Each stage has its potential, and this company was born with the objective To get the most out of people over 55. At that age, leading an active life with significant social ties is synonymous with a Life Full of Vitality, Energy and Joy. For this reason, Vermut has developed an ecosystem where these people can enjoy new experiences, meet new people with interests similar to their own and participate in a wide variety of validated and safe activities. In the diverse catalog of plans it offers, the user can find everything from activities with animals to volunteer workshops, to walks, tastings, talks and cultural routes, sports, gastronomic routes and workshops, culture and art workshops or trips and excursions. The Vermut group is made up of Men and women over 55 years old, open, positive and eager to connect, and although the average age is 65, with great Interest in culture, physical activity and gastronomy, anyone can be part of it.


Wayalia Is dedicated to the care of the elderly by connecting Caregivers in the social and health sector with the elderly who, either because of their advanced age or because of acquired dependency, require home helpers, in hospitals or nursing homes in order to continue their daily lives. The purpose of this technological platform is to prevent family members from being forced to bring their elders into homes, so it offers caregivers, both internal and hourly, adapted to the needs of each particular case. To ensure that the selected caregiver is ideal for each family, they use a compatibility algorithm that makes the user experience always positive, connecting the elderly with assistants who have The necessary skills and experience to provide the best possible care service.


Wayook It's the Online Portal That Offers Professionals of domestic service, caregivers for the elderly or children and recurring or occasional cleaning services. Through the same portal, it makes available to the user a Variety of Services either for the home (all types of household care), for the family (professionals for the care of the elderly and children) or for the company (professional cleaning service). The platform allows the user to manage and monitor all services online. Thus, through technology, it is how it assures the customer the efficiency, quality And Transparency In all its activities.