Workshop on Legal Aspects and OKR Methodology in SantaLucíImpulsa

Today it was held at the offices of Santa Lucía the second training workshop for entrepreneurs participating in the SantaLucíImpulsa acceleration program. The first part of the workshop talked about Legal Aspects, given by Elena Lapole, a law graduate with a legal and business specialty and Project Manager at Cink Emprender.Elena has taught entrepreneurs the basic legal aspects they should consider when launching their business idea. It has provided information on different legal forms, start-up procedures and other aspects related to trademark registration, and its obligations with respect to the Organic Law on Data Protection. This workshop has served to teach our entrepreneurs: -To establish a model of a partnership agreement. -To make a road map with procedures before different agencies for the start-up. -How to register the trademark at the national level. -The legal notice model and general contracting conditions (Internet business models) .Later, Ruth Puente explained different objective methodologies and specifically the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology.Ruth is an architect, entrepreneur and digital entrepreneurship consultant, and has brought entrepreneurs from Santa Lucía. She promotes the OKR methodology, an effective tool for defining the focus of her company or project and aligning teams around achieving objectives. aspects such as: why it is important to implement objective methodologies, what is the OKR methodology and how to create our own OKR. In addition, a review was made of history, talking about SMART methodologies. Without a doubt, there have been two most instructive workshops, which will help entrepreneurs: Sense Water Foil, WBunker, Wibber, Wake App Health, Xenopat, Livetonic, Beprevent, Willowi, Sentimer Technologies and Cerqana, who are participating in the SantaLucíImpulsa acceleration program to bring their projects to fruition.