Out of the Box and Santalucía Impulsa Podcast are back, the spaces dedicated to innovation and new trends

After the holidays and once the return to the routine has settled down, Santalucía Impulsa, the ecosystem of Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation Of Santalucía Group, has resumed the activity of Out of the Box and Santalucía Impulsa Podcast. Out of the Box It is the innovation series that includes the days of the celebration of 5th Anniversary of Santalucía Impulsa last March, where experts and professionals covered all trends that could revolutionize the present and future of society.For its part, the Santalucía Impulsa podcast is a space dedicated solely and exclusively to innovation, always with the company and experience of great professionals. Its objective is to bring listeners closer to Innovation news and inspire the most concerned minds by reflecting on the opportunities provided by knowledge of the trends that determine the change and evolution of society.
Out of the Box V: Innovation and Metaverse
So far, 4 episodes of Out of the Box have been released, all of them corresponding to the present of innovation. However, the next chapter that sees the light opens the block on innovation and future.The themes that the episodes will deal with from now on will focus on inspiration, on looking at the future as a opportunity for disruptive, different, strategic innovation and focused on the medium and long term. The protagonists, great experts from different sectors, will offer spectators the opportunity to reflect on where today's society is heading and how it will evolve. Specifically, in the last one that has been published, the Episode V, Ángel Uzquiza, Director of Corporate Innovation of Santalucía, Hector Ibarra Sales, Regional Group Director at Fjord and Toni Salom Quetglas, Director of Development at Vecdis, talk about innovation and metaverse.

The metaverse seems to be the definitive step in digital evolution, that place where all virtual trends and technologies will come together in the future to completely revolutionize the life experience of the human being. For this reason, it is important to assess the growth of this trend, define the different types of metaverse and the uses of each one, determine the Cryptocurrencies with which they work and the pros and cons of Advancing the metaverse from the corporate world.In addition, another aspect of special relevance is the The metaverse's relationship with insurance companies, that is, all the opportunities of this trend for the insurance sector, which we will see growing in the coming years.
| You may be interested in: The role that insurance will play in the future of the metaverse
New episodes of Santalucía Impulsa Podcast
We know that, a priori, the metaverse may seem like a complex concept, difficult to understand. Therefore, in addition to the chapter We talk to experts V. Innovation and Metaverse, you have at your disposal the episode 8 of Santalucía Impulsa Podcast.This space is perfect for supplementing and expanding information on each topic or getting to know the experts in depth. In this case, episode 8 deals with the The power of the metaverse as an innovative trend, their exploration by companies to strengthen internal and external relationships with employees and customers and even the role that insurers play in the metaverse. And that's not all! A topic that is very closely related to the virtual world is that of virtual currencies or cryptocurrencies. This is precisely what the episode 9 of the Santalucía Impulsa podcast: cryptocurrencies and new forms of investment.

This time José Luis Cáceres, CMO of Bit2Me, and Daniel Díez García, Innovation Lead Iberia at Accenture, accompany us to help us discover the The rise of cryptocurrencies in digitalization, your current situation, the main trends, etc. In addition to telling us how to invest safely with the highest returns and the lowest risk.
| Don't miss the latest episode of the Santalucía Impulsa podcast!
And be very attentive, because the publication of each chapter or episode will be announced on the social networks of Santalucía Impulsa.