14 characteristics that define an entrepreneur

More and more companies are joining the practice of Intrapurrecy or corporate entrepreneurship. But recognizing employees who can bring us new business opportunities (or to know if we are one of them) is not an easy task. Therefore, today we will tell you some personality traits that define entrepreneur people:
- Self-improvement
Conformism is not a quality of people who can make a difference in innovation of a company, quite the contrary, they are always looking for ways to Overcome themselves and to be better every day. La passion What do they feel translates into motivation and it leads them to To face great challenges that pose a challenge to them.
- Identification
Not only are they part of the company, but they areand identify with it and share its culture and values. In addition, their objectives are the same and they always look out for the common good, not because of their individual satisfaction. Their vision of the future makes them feel committed to the future of the company.
- Constructive critics
Intrapreneurs are Nonconformist by nature, but in a positive way. For them, the classic “it has always been done this way” is the best reason to change things and rethink the “status quo”. They are always looking for a new way of doing things and are not afraid to say what they think, which can lead to thinking that they are “uncomfortable” employees.
- Initiative
Beyond their corresponding job functions, the Intrapreneurs Always try to Contribute new processes, products, improvements... and to carry them out. They always work results-oriented.
- Thirst for innovation
La resourcefulness It is one of the qualities of Intrapreneurs. They are generators of ideas, witty and their imagination has no limits. They always make innovative and alternative contributions that have never been considered before.
- Curio
Like any entrepreneur, the entrepreneur observe everything that happens around you and feels a desire to know more. As Walt Disney said, “When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.”
- Independencia
Despite their strong sense of belonging to the company, they also need to perceive that they are Owners of their time. Bureaucratic environments make them uncomfortable and they don't like being overly supervised. If their need for autonomy is not met, they usually consider leaving the company.
- Leadership
Intrappreneurial people stand out for their ability to take charge of the situation and guide work teams towards a common goal, standing out above the others.
- They see failure as an opportunity
They are not intimidated when things go wrong, they always see the fFailure as an experience to learn from and an opportunity to start from scratch, recovering faster than the rest. Son persistent and constant, getting fully involved to achieve the success of their projects, moving forward despite the adversities that come their way. They know that a lot of times things don't work out the first time, but They never give up. In addition, they are resolutive and they try to look at problems head on.
- Flexibility
They have the capacity to adapt to changes and new situations, seeing change as an opportunity rather than as an obstacle. In addition, they are mentally able to see things from different points of view and empathize with others.
- In continuous learning
They never take it for granted that they know everything, they always consider themselves students who can continue to acquire knowledge, and they do so either hand in hand with the company or in a self-taught way on their own.
- They are at risk
They make decisions in situations of great uncertainty, although under no circumstances are they thrown into the void without having previously analyzed the situation. In other words, although they like risks, they always take them with caution.
- Proactivity
His thing is not to worry but to worry, so they never waste time and are always dedicated to some activity, whether inside or outside the organization.
- Security
If these people trust anyone, it's themselves. They know their abilities and possibilities, but this does not lead them to fall into vanity. If they have to ask for help to achieve the success of their projects, they will.
Are there people with these characteristics in your company? Then it's time to provide them with the right environment to conquer the future of innovation.