6 Traits of a Good Leader

In order to be able to list the characteristics of a good leader, it is necessary to know what the leadership. It is important to be aware that leader is not synonymous with boss, so being above a person or a group of people in the business hierarchy does not make anyone a leader, much less a good leader. Leading goes far beyond commanding or having power over others.
What does leadership consist of?
There are multiple definitions of leadership, as well as different views on it. Some authors consider it a personality trait or characteristic, others a technical skill, a competence, a behavior, a relationship, or even a process of influence. For example, Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist, journalist and writer, defines leadership as “commanding with a heart”, while Peter G. Northouse understands it as “a process through which an individual influences a group of people in order to achieve a common goal”.
Leadership isn't easy, but it's an important part of success in life.

Traits of a Good Leader
Leadership qualities are not something that one can learn or develop overnight, but rather they are a skill that a person gradually acquires as time goes on. There are many qualities that make a good leader, such as empathy, honesty, intelligence and selflessness. These qualities come from having confidence in yourself, which can be achieved through experience and practice.
In short, being a leader is much more than having the ability to command. Leading is related to inspiring trust, being able to motivate the team, generating commitment and promoting a good climate. Several researchers agree that 6 essential characteristics for effective leadership: Intelligence, confidence, charisma, determination, sociability and integrity.
1. Intelligence
Intelligent leaders are well informed, perceptive of the environment and people, and they understand the work to be done. We can all develop our abilities, including communication and language skills, reasoning skills, etc.
2. Confianza
Self-confidence and security are essential for a leader. We must have a positive attitude about our own abilities and ability to succeed in what we do. Trust that we can develop the functions and achieve the goals set. Trust is also an area that can be worked on, starting with analyzing what is required and expected of us and then practicing in situations that involve leadership.

3. Charism
Charism refers to the special magnetism and charm of some people, to their attractiveness. When it comes to this quality, we have multiple examples to follow. It is a fact that not everyone has the same labia, but if we are not one of those people, we have other alternatives: we can act as role models with respect to the values we want our followers to adapt, demonstrate our competence, articulate clear objectives and strong values and serve as an inspiration for others.
4. Determination
Determination is a firm decision to do the job. Effective leaders know where they are going and how to get there. Determined people are willing to stand firm, are proactive, and have the ability to persevere in the face of obstacles.

5. Sociability
The ability to establish a pleasant social relationship is very important in a leader. A sociable leader is friendly, outgoing, courteous, discreet, and diplomatic. It has a high capacity for interpersonal relationships and helps to create a cooperative relationship, bringing positive energy to the environment. Sociability is contagious and helps people become leaders.
6. Integrity
Perhaps this is the most important of the characteristics; if questioned, there is no leadership. An upright leader is honest, trustworthy, has strong principles and takes responsibility. It also inspires trust, acts with loyalty and is transparent and authentic.
And you, are you good leaders? What leadership trait do you think is most important? Which one do you have to work on a little more?