7 Sins of the Entrepreneur

Of course it must be entrepreneurial it's not easy, and when you embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship, you discover that those wonders they had told you about a life without schedules, being your own boss or doing what you're passionate about come with a very high price. It's easy, especially when you're a novice, to make mistakes. Today we talk about the 7 Sins that entrepreneurs tend to fall into. Careful!
1. Pride
Making mistakes is inevitable, especially when we do new things and enter unknown terrain, but not recognize your mistakes and learn from them not to commit them again in the future is a big mistake. Therefore, Say goodbye to excuses and try to turn every failure into an opportunity. Otherwise, you'll assume that you're not good enough to run your own business and you'll end up succumbing to failure.
2. Lust
Sometimes you can be so ecstatic about starting a new personal project that you forget that Having an idea is not enough. Not having the necessary knowledge to carry it out or not to study the market carefully before entering it is a big mistake. It's important be prepared and develop a complete business plan, in which a market study is carried out, the competition is analyzed and fundamental factors such as our value proposition, production costs, equipment... In addition, starting a business involves carrying out many tasks, sometimes unknown to us, so it's convenient partner with, or rely on people who have the necessary knowledge those that we ourselves lack. Avoid being so naive as to believe that you can do everything absolutely alone.
3. Laziness
We all have a hard time getting up in the morning or facing those tasks that are tedious and burdensome to us, but you must learn to manage your time in the most efficient way possible. This does not imply that you should dedicate 24 hours a day to work, find your most productive moments of the day and Organize yourself in an intelligent way.
4. Envy
Fixing too much on what the competition does, the successes they have and enviing them will not help us at all. Instead of letting yourself be carried away by this insane feeling see how other companies in the sector act, detect improvement points and solve them innovating in your own company, in this way you will be focusing on your actions and not so much on what others achieve, which will only bring you a feeling of powerlessness.
5. Greed
It is likely that you already have a first base of funding and you want to have everything, employees that involve paying salaries, ineffective promotional actions, investing in actions that in the initial phase do not contribute to obtaining returns... Be careful! It's about intelligently manage your resources, because these are limited and investing them wisely is essential to get the most out of them. Nor do you assume that in the initial phase every euro invested will turn into hundreds of profits, at first you will have to invest a lot but you will be slow to see the results.
6. Gula
Falling in love with your initial idea and trying to feed it by all means without listening to the changes that the market demands may serve as fuel for a short time, but time will make you realize the ineffectiveness of focusing too much on something that is not in demand and therefore does not bring benefits. Try to be flexible and adapt to what consumers want, avoiding feeding those options that are destined to die.
7. Ira
The world of entrepreneurship is full of difficult moments, sometimes even really frustrating. But get angry with your environment and show a negative attitude Faced with the situation, it will only increase these unpleasant conditions. Bad faces to customers and employees, as well as a pessimistic attitude They will constantly take their toll on you. Now that you know the most serious sins that an entrepreneur can commit, don't forget to take note and avoid them.