Collaboration between startups and companies

La collaboration between corporations and startups is favored by the common goal who have: the growth. Both need each other to scale your business. They are very different organizations, and that is precisely the best reason to build bridges with each other. Startups are the protagonists of disruptive changes in the business ecosystem.
Las startups are characterized by being digital, innovative, agile and prone to assuming and managing risks. Their ability to keep up to date with market trends, to have close and direct contact with the customer and to develop innovative solutions quickly, are some of the reasons why working with startups is so interesting for corporations. The startups They lead innovation and, therefore, they are important sources of innovation for companies; they provide them with access to new technologies and newer business models.

On the other hand, the corporations are already established in the market and have a great knowledge of the business fabric. They have a culture that is very integrated into the organization and a certain way of doing things, so they are slower and more difficult to change. Companies know that today we must provide value and that at any time competition can revolutionize a sector. This causes the business ecosystem to change and promote the processes of scanning or digital transformation. For this reason, collaboration between startups and companies is increasingly common.
Most companies consider that collaboration with startups would have a positive impact in your organization. However, there is a symbiosis between companies and startups, both can obtain numerous benefits from working with the other, it is not something one-sided.
Collaboration, apart from benefiting corporations in the field of innovation, provides startups with significant income for their growth and Know How of large companies. Startups aim to become suppliers to corporations to validate their proposals, to acquire large and renowned clients and to benefit from sales and the opportunities that these represent.

Along the same lines, we must take into account several factors that may affect collaboration, since it will make sense as long as it is fruitful for both parties. It is necessary to think about what corporations are interested in and what characteristics a startup must have to arouse their interest, as well as to know the possibilities that exist between both business models.
The startup must be well aware of the corporation and its objectives and understand its structure. A fundamental aspect is to ensure that the objectives of collaboration between startups and companies are aligned, since investing a lot of time in a collaboration that doesn't fit would be a waste of time that could have significant repercussions for the startup. Something to consider as well, especially on the part of the startup, are legal agreements and the cost of their work.
The ISDI digital education school affirms that there are four main forms of collaboration between the corporate world and that of startups: technology transfer, talent acquisition, pilot program and investment.