How to create and care for your personal brand as an entrepreneur

Much has been said about the current importance of developing a Personal brand suitable, mainly for finding employment. However, the Personal brand it is not only important when we are looking for work, if we are entrepreneurs giving a professional image of ourselves is essential for attract shareholders and customers. Today we bring you some keys to develop and care for your personal brand that you can't miss! The first thing to keep in mind is that currently we cannot talk about personal branding without referring to social networks, which increasingly define us, both personally and professionally. Therefore, having a good image on social media is essential for any entrepreneur, especially for those who decide to develop a startup. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, clarifies: “your personal brand is what they say about you when you are not in front of you”.The basis of personal branding consists of 3 key aspects:
- What we say
- What we do
- How we say or do it
Based on this basis, there are a number of aspects that we must consider in order to properly constitute our Personal brand, take note!
- Self-evaluation
Carry out a SWOT analysis (weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities) of ourselves is essential to know our strengths and empower them.
- Market analysis
Although it may seem obvious what our sector is like, we probably don't really know what the Personal brand of the professionals that compose it. If we want to be different from the rest, the first thing we must do is investigate what others are like. Observe the leaders in the sector and why they are triumphing.
- Definition of objectives
Like everything else, our personal brand should not be developed simply because the marketplace brand that we must have, it must pursue an objective (that they know and recognize us, leave a mark, differentiate ourselves...) Once we are clear about the purpose of developing our personal brand, we can Draw up a strategy to help us achieve it.
- Values
Every brand has values, and even more so if it's a Personal brand and not corporate. Defining and defending these is important to provide personality to our brand.
- Transmit
Todo What is not communicated does not exist, therefore, we must transmit our brand. In addition, today it is essential to do so through RRSS. If we are not in these and do not use them, it will be as if we did not exist. In addition, these will help us in creating our brand and getting closer to our community.
- Imagen
If you are going to show yourself to the world, it is important that they see our best profile. It is important to have quality photos and even perform some video to make us known.
- Arouse interest
It's not enough just to be, we must generate interest in our Personal brand, and act as references for members of our community. It will be of no use to develop a good personal brand that no one is interested in.
- Constancia
Una Personal brand it doesn't take place overnight. It takes time to get into the marketplace and arouse interest. In the same way, we cannot create it and disunderstand ourselves, we will have to work to improve and perpetuate it on a daily basis, or else we will generate a sense of abandonment and achieve the opposite effect to the desired one.
- Authenticity
La Personal brand it must be a reflection of ourselves, it does not consist of creating a character that has nothing to do with reality, but of Bring out our best version.
- Differentiation
It is no use evaluating what is in the sector and copying it, we must precisely offer something differentiator and original if we want to stand out and get them to notice us.
- Coherence
Like a commercial brand, a personal brand must have homogeneity, we cannot call each other one way in an area and change our name for example on our social networks, all our profiles must follow some Guide lines.
- Search for opportunities
Not only can social networks help us consolidate our Personal brand. Conferences, debates, fairs... are great meetings to hold Networking, learn how to improve our Personal brand and, of course, to introduce ourselves and make new contacts. Don't forget to make personal cards (although social networks are becoming increasingly important, they haven't gone out of style) and give visibility to your Personal brand!
- Monitoring
Do not assume that you are doing well and everything that is said about you is good, be attentive to the mentions they make of you and do your research, for example, by looking at Google, what is being said about you. Are you ready to stand out from your competitors? Go for it!