Controlling non-verbal language in a negotiation

Contrary to what we might think, in a negotiation, only the 7% of the message is transmitted through language, the rest of this is transmitted through our body expression and voice. How can we then have greater control of what we transmit? We give you some keys:
The greeting
Taking into account what was said above, we started broadcasting from the moment we greeted. In this case we can distinguish between two types of negotiators: on the one hand, the collaborative, who gives a strong handshake, and on the other the competitive. When it comes to saying hello, it is advisable to do so with a Firm yet gentle handshake, making sure that our hands are not wet because in that case we will transmit that we feel nervous in the face of the situation.
The distance
The distance at which we stand from the other person during a negotiation also speaks about us. Although this depends on each culture, it is advisable to keep a distance of between 1.50 and 3 meters. In addition, to avoid barriers in negotiation, it is advisable to avoid certain gestures, such as: Cross our arms, which will make it appear that we are at Defensive.
Our image is the first thing that others see of us and therefore it is very important if we want to cause a good first impression. Clothing varies depending on the sector in which we are, banking and financial sectors tend to be much more classic than others such as advertising agencies whose style is more informal. In case of doubt, the best thing is to choose a way to Wear neutral. But with image we don't just refer to clothing, other factors influence, for example, our Smile says a lot about us. Smiling is a kind gesture that indicates a predisposition to Understanding, as long as we don't necessarily smile.
Visual contact
Although it is a factor closely associated with the cultural environment, it is generally recommended maintain eye contact with the other party, however, we must try to avoid doing it too persistently since we can make the other person uncomfortable. Eye contact is important to maintain both when we speak and when it is the other party who has the floor. If the other party looks up while we speak, it is likely that that person is imagining what we are saying. The mElusive Anger They are a sign of insecurity so we must try to avoid them.
The posture
There are several aspects that we must take into account when positioning ourselves and moving during a negotiation, because the way we do it provides a lot of information to the other party. Although each culture has its own “norms” there are some generalities. Caminar erect, with our shoulders back and our head held high will convey that we have cTrust and security in ourselves, achieving More attention. Instead, keep a relaxed posture It will be a sign that we are open to communication. Some gestures, such as leaning forward, denote interest in what we're listening to. If we are seated, it is advisable to keep the slightly open legs.
Way of speaking
The way in which we convey our message says as much as the message itself. Speak Safely it is essential for our interlocutor to believe what we say. We should avoid covering our mouths with our hands, as it may seem that we want to hide something. Scratching our noses or heads, as this is usually a sign of lying, so we must be careful to do so while negotiating. Are there any other aspects that you take care of when you participate in negotiations?