The 10 commandments of the entrepreneur

Currently, there are many companies that decide to develop internal entrepeneurship projects to motivate and encourage their workers to become entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who emerged at the core of an established company. An example is Santalucía IMPULSA, the acceleration program of Santa Lucía.
What is Intrapurrecy?
Intrapreneurship has its origin in new business needs related to current technological advances. The most creative employees will be encouraged to try to launch their own projects. It's about develop the startup idea within a company, always betting on innovation and the creation of projects with which the company can create direct links and collaborations.
Why carry out an entrepeneurship program?
Stimulating the innovative spirit of workers is a key task for all those organizations that want to beat the pulse of innovation and technological development. More and more companies are carrying out this type of program for discover talent among its employees.

What are the commandments of the entrepreneur?
We have already talked about characteristics that define an entrepreneur, but being an entrepreneur comes with great responsibility and there are a number of commandments that no entrepreneur should overlook. In 1985, Gifford Pinchot decided to define the 10 commandments of the entrepreneur and this was the result.
1. You will go to work without fear of dismissal
You have to go to your job every day motivated and sure of yourself, without being constantly alert for fear of doing something wrong that will entail dismissal.
2. You will flee from the guidelines that prevent you from fulfilling your dream
None of the rules or norms of your work should limit or prevent the achievement of your goals and dreams.
3. You will do whatever tasks are necessary for the project
Get involved in your project by being the best version of yourself and work your best to get it done.
4. You will look for people to help you
Teamwork for the development of an entrepreneurial project is an essential factor. A good team of professionals in which there is trust and constructive criticism is shared will bring you great benefits.
5. You will be guided by your intuition when choosing equipment
The connection between the members of a work team is essential to work at ease with each other.
6. You will always work and strive
Dedication, effort and constant work will be your best allies in achieving your objectives.
7. You will not bet on a project if you are not part of it
Always feel like an important part of the project because otherwise you will never be able to get fully involved.
8. You'll ask for forgiveness instead of permission, it's easier!
Get out of your comfort zone and take risks within your means. With this you will achieve great results.
9. You will be faithful to your objectives and realistic with the strategies set to achieve them
Define your objectives at the beginning and then design the strategic plan to achieve them, always keeping in mind your possibilities and limitations.
10. You will respect and value your sponsors
Their guidance and experience can help you a lot in the development of your particular project.

Intrapreneurs can develop their innovative skills and their entrepreneurial spirit in the environment of an established company, providing great dynamism and being the best source of innovation for the company. No opportunity of this type should be missed, always taking into account The commandments of the entrepreneur, because they can be very enriching.