Santalucía Impulsa Podcast #04
Women Entrepreneurs, Science and Innovation

Throughout history, they have emerged key female figures around the world of innovation and the advances of humanity. However, on several occasions the success has not been fully recognized. For example, Marie Curie, one of the most prominent figures in terms of entrepreneurship and the science of history, shared her first Nobel Prize with her husband, who, at first, took all the glory alone. Finally, some time later, Marie Curie He won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and all the recognition went to her.
Stories like these highlight the effort that still remains to make visible the female figure and her situation when it comes to entrepreneurship almost any project. Of course, also in the business environment.
Current situation of women in the world of work
According to the report “Women Scientists in Numbers 2021”, prepared by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the proportion of women who are part of the research staff in Spain has grown to 41%. In addition, the number of female researchers has increased in the Public Administration to represent 52%. Even so, there has been no growth in universities and in the business sector, which shows that much remains to be done.
In fact, many women claim that they have had to Give up on your professional dreams and that, in most cases, the reasons are linked to personal reasons, since family and domestic responsibilities fall on them. Despite this, we are contemplating how more and more women are joining the business world and starting up innovative projects with solid business models.
Initiatives to promote women's participation in business
To encourage and support women to join the business, innovative or scientific world, there are movements that support this cause. One of the biggest efforts and initiatives has to do with make visible the professional work of women who are dedicated to so-called STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The objective is to support and promote the choice of these professional areas from childhood. The fact is that, on many occasions, society needs women references who serve as inspiration and models.
On the other hand, if in the West and in developed countries, women still find Problems when it comes to breaking the glass ceiling in those communities with the most limited resources, the difficulties, of course, are much greater. Fortunately, there are also projects and initiatives that seek to empower these communities, in addition to giving prominence and increase girls' and women's chances of success.
In connection with these initiatives, today we have two guests who have a lot to say about this topic.
Invited to talk about the role of women in innovation
Bisila Bokoko
It is considered one of the ten most influential Spanish women in American business.
Former director of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in New York, CEO of BBES International and founder of BBLP (Bisila Bokoko African Literacy Project), whose mission is to promote literacy among African peoples. He created a line of wines called “Bisila Wines”, made in Spain, which has been recognized worldwide.
Collaborate with the United Nations in the program of EMPRETEC, supporting emerging entrepreneurs from all parts of the world.
Recently, she was awarded by the UN with the Citizen of the World Award 2019. In the same way, she was awarded the 2019 International Prize by the Spanish Federation of Executive, Executive, Professional and Business Women (FEDEPE), and in recent years she received the Ideal Woman Award in Equatorial Guinea, Entrepreneur of the Year by Women Werk and Inspiring Leader Award by New York University (CUNY), among many others throughout his career.
Henar Rebollo Vega
Graduated in Business Administration and Management from the University of León, Master in Business Management from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Master Marketing Intelligence from IEBS and CTI Co-Active Coach, Henar specializes in educational projects for talent development. Since joining the ASTI Foundation in February 2017, it has national coordination of the STEM Talent Girl program, an educational program that seeks to awaken the interest of young women in careers in science and technology, through initiatives that help to identify all their talent and discover their potential.