Santalucía Impulsa Podcast #01

Longevity and Innovation

Invited experts

La innovation It is a social phenomenon that impacts all human beings, so its repercussion is global. Aware of this, since Santalucía Impulsa We welcome you to Santalucía Impulsa Podcast.

What topics are covered in the Santalucía Impulsa Podcast?

Throughout the different episodes we will inspire you through interviews and content for the most restless minds, generating reflection on the opportunities offered by knowledge of trends that determine the change and future of society and its evolution beyond technology or business.

Innovation news

The world is moving at breakneck speed and often the most cutting-edge advances take place in less time than we imagine. From Santalucía Impulsa Podcast We provide you with Current keys in terms of innovation and technology so that listeners can keep up to date with the latest trends.

Entrepreneurial ecosystem

El entrepreneurship has become one of the greatest sources of value generation in terms of innovation and competitive advantage, which is why the world of entrepreneurs and their current situation constitute an essential pillar of the program.

Creative thinking

La resourcefulness It is the raw material of innovation and today it constitutes one of the skills most valued by society. From the program, we will explain the functioning of logical and creative thinking and we will give the listener the keys to enhance these abilities.

Innovation success stories

We will know those success stories in terms of innovation that represent a reference and that will serve the listener as example and source of inspiration for your innovative projects.

In addition, we will have first-class specialists and guests who will accompany us throughout the different episodes, sharing their knowledge, experience and anecdotes about topics related to this exciting world.

To be able to enjoy this content, search for us on the main podcast channels and on the website and social networks of Santalucía Impulsa.

Chapter 1: Longevity and Innovation

For the first chapter, we wanted to bring you some special content. We are very close to November 1, All Saints' Day, and we believe that the theme related to death, or rather, delaying the moment of death, is a more than relevant topic. In fact, it is a theme that has obsessed human beings for millennia and that is that longevity, extending life or delaying the moment of death, is something that interests absolutely all of us.

The human being is increasingly long-lived and is, to a large extent, thanks to scientific advances, changes in lifestyle and technological evolution. Technology has advanced more in 20 years than it has in the last 100. Proof of this is the fact that technology has allowed us to successfully get out of situations that less than a century ago we would have considered impossible to resolve. Today, in the 21st century, we can affirm that the application of new technologies in the field of medicine is saving thousands of lives every day and allowing an unprecedented evolution in the field of longevity.

All the questions related to this topic pose us many questions as well as uncertainty, hope and doubt. To help shed some light on this fascinating topic, we have the presence of two references in the field of longevity, such as Javier Cabo and José Antonio Herce.

Javier Cabo, is an absolute reference in the field of cardiovascular surgery. In fact, he was the first person to perform a heart transplant on a newborn in Spain. He holds a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery “Cum Laude” from the Autonomous University of Madrid, an Honorary Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the Central University of the East (UCE), among many other academic achievements. Today, he is focused on several lines of research related to cryopreservation.

José Antonio Herce He has a degree and a doctorate in Economics from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has also been a professor for 40 years at the Complutense University of Madrid and other schools of finance and economics. He is a recognized member of the Santalucía Institute forum. In addition, he is a Founding Partner and Longevity and Pension Consultant at LoRis and an expert in the field of Seniors, Longevity and Pensions.

We hope that you will enjoy this first episode with Javier Cabo and José Antonio Herce full of science, technology, health and the future.

Stay tuned because soon you'll be able to enjoy more content from Santalucía Impulsa Podcast!