Santalucía Impulsa Podcast #11
Innovative entrepreneurship and personal branding

La culture of innovation In a company it is the adoption of strategies and resources that allow a space for creativity and the emergence of new ideas. When this is implemented in an organization, employee values, habits and behaviors change, so everyone starts working with innovation as a reference.
After this, the culture of innovation acquires the Brand category, which is very important for this culture to continue to transform the organization where it was created.
If we talk about entrepreneurs, the thing is similar. An entrepreneur must create and manage his personal brand correctly, which is the one that will give you impetus and image in the sale and promotion of your project in the business world or in the search for funding.
If we can highlight anything about our next guest, it is that in all his facets he has always worn the culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and personal branding hand in hand; that precious asset that since Santalucía Impulsa Podcast we try to instill in those who listen to us and that little by little we are achieving.
So let's talk about the importance of personal branding in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Hector Robles
Today we have with us a Hector Robles, which carries present in the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem for 27 years.
Héctor entered this world, first working in different companies and then with his own strategic innovation consultant (DOMO), with which he carried out important innovative projects for 5 continents in more than 30 sectors, being author of some global patents and recognized with 6 international innovation awards.
Since 2008 he has been a facilitator in projects for the cultural transformation of companies to create cultures of innovation and authenticity.
In 2010 he created the Honest Strategy business transformation movement, with which it helps entrepreneurs to be successful, happy and sustainable.
Nor can we forget his facets as a speaker, since Héctor was chosen as one of the 100 best speakers in Spain in 2019, 2020 and 2022. In addition, he is a startup mentor and professor in the executive programs of ESIC Business & Marketing School, among other business schools and universities.