Episode 20
Celebrating Life Through Significant Legacy with Almaya
In a world in constant motion, where distractions and worries seem to be ever present, it's easy to lose sight of what really matters: The value of life and the moments shared with our loved ones.
We are in the week of the holiday of All Saints Day, and we think it's time to explore How to celebrate the meaning of life from an innovative point of view.
Life is short-lived, and although death is an inevitable part of this journey, we can find comfort and meaning in honoring each day that is given to us. It is in these moments, when we reflect on how quickly time passes, that we appreciate even more the importance of share valuable moments with whom We love.
In this episode we dive into the value of life and in the opportunity to enrich our relationships. We explore how technology can be an ally in this quest, allowing us to connect more deeply with ourselves and with our loved ones.
To talk about this, join us Ariel, co-founder of the innovative startup Almaya, who will share his vision and experience. Together with him, we will explore how we can make the most of this opportunity, how to use Almaya to create a meaningful and enriching legacy. We will celebrate life and its meaning, and we will discover How Almaya helps us to keep special moments alive with our loved ones.